

cane sugar

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1.蔗糖sugar obtained from the juice of sugar cane


n.1.sucrose obtained from sugar cane or sugar beets

1.蔗糖城市的介绍。后来这座城市(Motril)1000年前就有人工生产蔗糖(cane-sugar)的作坊,制糖技术来源于印度,城里还有一个制糖 …


1.Instead, it was that Amyris was going into partnershipwith Crystalsev, a Brazipan firm, to make car fuel out of cane sugar.实际上,声明的内容是Amyris将会与巴西的Crystalsev公司合作,利用蔗糖来生产汽车燃料。

2.The medicine contains no cane sugar and preservative, is safe and stable and has no side effect.本药不含庶糖和防腐剂,服用安全无副作用,药物稳定性好,具有服用方便、剂量准确的优点。

3.One question at the heart of the suit: Is refined corn syrup as natural as refined cane sugar?该案的一个核心问题是:提炼的玉米糖浆是否跟提炼的蔗糖一样属于纯天然?

4.Cane sugar is of great preservative value, hence its use in preserving fruits and milk; also, for the preparation of syrups .蔗糖极具保存价值,因此它用于保存水果和奶,也用来配制糖浆。

5.Cane sugar must be treated with activated carbon to meet the needs of the production of the drinks.本文介绍了用活性炭处理蔗糖的工艺条件以满足饮料生产的需要。

6.At the moment, the joint venture's business is based on fermenting cane sugar into ethanol, but the new plant would start changing that.现在,这个联合企业的经营基于把甘蔗糖发酵为乙醇为基础,然而新工厂将开始改变这一现状。

7.Generally high calcium pme with a low level of impurities is required, some cane sugar plants, however, specify dolomitic pme.通常需要杂质少的高钙石灰,但是一些蔗糖工厂指定要白云石石灰。

8.Methods: Use these polarimetry and sum property of cane sugar, fruit sugar, glucose to determine the sugar content of mel.方法:利用蔗糖、莆萄糖、果糖都具旋光性,且具有加和性来测定蜂蜜的含糖量。

9.Dissolve cane sugar in vinegar. Add the rest of the sauce ingredients to vinegar. Set aside.片糖溶于白醋内,加入其他芡汁材料待做咕噜汁用。

10.The Spaniards found this "food from the gods" bitter (high in potassium), and mixed it with cane sugar as a sweetener.西班牙人发现这种“来自上帝的食品”比较苦(含钾量较高),就加入蔗糖作为甜味剂。