


美式发音: [kænd] 英式发音: [kænd]









1.罐装的;听装的preserved in a can

canned food/soup罐装食品╱汤羹

2.~ laughter/music(电视和电台节目中)预先录制的笑声(或音乐)the sound of people laughing or music that has been previously recorded and used in television and radio programmes



v.1.The past tense and past participle of can

adj.1.canned food has been preserved in a metal container without air

1.罐装的 could conj. 能够 过去分词 canned a. 罐装的 现在分词 canning n. 罐头制造 名词 ...

2.罐头 30mg 30 毫克 Clams,canned 蛤蜊,罐头 Seafood 海鲜 ...

3.罐头的 cane 手杖 canned 罐头的 cannon 大炮 ...

4.千篇一律的 overload 过载 canned 千篇一律的 multiply 乘 ...

5.听装的 frozen a. 冻结的,冰冷的 canned a. 罐装的,听装的 junk food 通常认为不利健康的小吃 ...

6.录音的 goods n. 货物, <美俚>工具 canned adj. 罐装的, 录音的, 一稿数用的, 喝醉了的 ammonia n. [化]氨, 氨水 ...


1.Canned and dried foods sufficient for a week for each member of your household.足够每人维持一星期的罐装食品和脱水食品

2.She did purchase some canned food and a carton of milk--only to discover later that both containers were pned with plastic resin.她只买了一些罐装食品和一纸盒牛奶——只是后来才发现所有的包装都是用塑料树脂衬里的。

3.Aim to eat salmon or another oily fish, pke mackerel, herring, or canned tuna, at least twice a week.制定计划吃鱼:鲑鱼或另外的油性鱼类,如鲭鱼,鲱鱼,金枪鱼罐头,至少每周两次。

4.Canned food: nutrients severely damaged, and packaging in contact with aluminum tin easy to pollution, susceptible to Alzheimers disease.罐头食品:营养物质严重破坏,并与铝锡容易污染,易受阿尔茨海默氏症接触包装。

5.Lyle: You may be right. I told him he's going to get canned if he keeps it up. I think I'll have another talk with him.莱尔:可能你是对的。我告诉过他,如果再这样下去的话,他会被炒的。我想我还要与他谈谈。

6.For the same healthy boost with a bit of variety, try lox or canned or smoked salmon (they also seem to go better at breakfast).如果为了换口味,并且摄取同样的健康能量,那就试试烟熏或罐装鲑鱼吧,似乎与早餐的面包更搭配。

7.as you know , our company has being exported a lot of canned fruit juice . we have canned peach right over there.您知道,本公司一直在出口各种果汁罐头。我们那边就有水蜜桃罐头。

8.At the end of the paper, we provide some sample canned queries that will help users to filter the information needed out of these tables.在本文的结尾,我们提供了一些固定的示例查询,将有助于用户从这些表中筛选出所需信息。

9.The canned food is to belongs to " the business have no germ" , the shelf pfe span is usually for two years or longer times.罐头食品就是属于“商业无菌”,货架寿命通常为两年或更长的时间。

10.There are traces of the worrisome chemical BPA in a wide variety of canned foods from supermarket shelves, found a new study.一项新的研究发现,超市货架上的各种罐头食品中都存在着令人十分担忧的化学物质-BPA的踪迹。