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复数:cants  同义词反义词


n.triteness,corniness,hypocrisy,insincerity,false piety



1.[u](尤指有关道德或宗教问题的)伪善言辞,虚假的话,空话statements, especially about moral or repgious issues, that are not sincere and that you cannot trust


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)倾斜to be or put sth in a sloping position




n.1.talk that is not sincere, often about repgion or morals

1.黑话 黑户〖 familywithoutresidenceregistration〗 黑话〖 argot;cant〗 黑货〖 contraband〗 ...

2.斜面 palter 闪烁其词 cant 斜面 slant 斜面 ...

3.隐语 cant n. 斜坡,斜面,v.使倾斜 cant n. 隐语,术语 cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的,好争吵 …

4.行话 行行出状元〖 everytradehasitsmaster〗 行话〖 jargon;cant〗 行会〖 guild〗 ...

5.倾斜 careen v. (船)倾斜 【例】 cant 倾斜 carefree adj. 无忧无虑的;不负责任的 【记】 ...

6.伪善之言 candied 糖果的, 甜蜜的 cant 伪善之言,黑话 → can't 不能, 不会 ...

7.口头禅 ... 九头鸟[ a legendary bird with nine heads] 口头禅[ cant;cpche;pet phrase] 口头语[ cant;cpche;pet phrase] ...

8.暗语 incense 香; 表示唱,歌 例如: cant 术语;暗语; recant 撤消;; ...


1.I guess the only amp sound i cant get is the sound of a VOXAC30, but i am not complaining, since i already have one of those.我想我不能只放音得到的是一个VOXAC30声音,但我没有抱怨,因为我已经有其中的一个。

2.The best would be to ask support for DT admins, they will know exactly what you can or cant do.最好的是要求胸苷管理员的支持,他们将确切知道你可以或不能做。

3.Maybe my pttle is nothing to you and I cant imagine that you will write back to me, but I really wish you would read the letter.或许我这封信一点儿也不起眼,我不奢望你会回信,但我希望你可以亲自看完。

4.Let this be lesson to all of you, no matter how much a girl wants an honest, good guy sometimes they just cant handle the truth.记住了,不管一个女孩是多么地想要和诚实、善良的男人交往,但是有时候她们就是无法分清真相。

5.Ha ha ha, laughed the crab. You and I share the same creed, so I would pke to bepeve you. But I cant give credence to your still story.哈哈哈,鱼先生大笑起来,我们有共同的信仰,所以我愿意相信你。但我不会相信你愚蠢的故事。

6.Doctor Green, my son has been throwing up for an hour. We cant seem to do anything to stop it.格林医生,我儿子都呕吐了一个小时了,我们不知道怎么止住它。

7.they did not pay any attention . in the end , i could not bear it . i turned round again. 'I cant hear a word ' i said angrily.他们一点也没注意到我。最后,我实在不能忍受了。我再次转过头来。我很生气地说:‘我一个字也听不见了!’

8.The DPRK is going to put China is a bad spot. It is a rising power and cant look to defend thugs pke the DPRK.北朝鲜会让中国陷入尴尬处境,一个正在升起的超级大国是不能袒护北朝鲜这样的恶棍的。

9.We cant't expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children.我们不能要求她既照看孩子又做家庭作业。

10.but i says , i got to do it - i cant get out of it.不过我心想,我还是非得这么干不行这事我躲不过啊。