


美式发音: [kænˈtɑn] 英式发音: [ˈkæntɒn]




复数:cantons  同义词




1.(瑞士等国的)行政区,州one of the official regions which some countries, such as Switzerland, are divided into


v.1.把...分成州[区,村] (out)2.【军】使驻扎;分配营房给(部队等)

n.1.one of the poptical regions into which Switzerland and some other countries are divided

1.广州 Cantonese 广东话 Canton 广东 Movement 运动,动作 ...

6.州坎顿市 canker n. 溃疡,弊害 canton n. 州,行政区 capillary n. 毛细管 ...


1.Guangzhou (Canton) has always been a port for foreign exchange and trade.广州一直是对外交往和贸易的港口。

2."Canton said: " Peter Krupp to me to go, all solutions of this saddle is not going to show, its intended use Kennedy.广曰:“彼虏以我为走,今皆解鞍以示不走,用坚其意。”

3.also begun to use intermediaries have branches all over the advantages and began to introduce foreign buyers Mission Canton.也开始利用中介机构的分支机构遍布的优势,并开始引进国外买家团广交会。

4.The spokesman said the event, long known as the Canton Fair, will continue to introduce reforms but will remain a comprehensive fair.徐兵表示,广交会将继续有所改革,但会保持其原有的综合性。

5.Besides tales and stories, here and there, another interesting scene is playing out in the city formerly known as Canton.除了故事,故事中,这里和那里,另一个有趣的场景是在城市打球原名广州。

6.Sun Yat-sen, head of the Canton government since 1917, was driven out of his own lair by a war lord.自1917年起,一直就任广州政府首脑的孙中山被军阀赶了出来。

7.The first merchant vessel to sail from New York to Canton in 1784 was on a tea-buying voyage, but the cargo it had to exchange was ginseng.1784年第一艘由纽约驶往广州的商船就是为了购买茶叶,但它用于交换的货物却是西洋参。

8.They grew up in Canton, Ohio, and on the day of the Normandy invasion, they were both dropped in.他们一起在俄亥俄州的康顿长大,又在诺曼底登陆的那一天,一起跳了下去。

9.When I used to ask my mother about her family village in China, she always said it was three hours from Canton by bus.当我问起我母亲关于她在中国的那个家乡村落的时候,她总是说离广州有三个小时的大巴车程。

10.Shanghai food tends to be heavier than the Canton food usually and takes spghtly longer to prepare.沪菜要比粤菜口味浓重一些,而烹调的时间也略微长一点。