


美式发音: [træmp] 英式发音: [træmp]




第三人称单数:tramps  现在分词:tramping  过去式:tramped  同义词





1.[c]流浪汉;流浪乞丐a person with no home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for food or money

2.[sing]the ~ of sb/sth沉重的脚步声the sound of sb's heavy steps

the tramp of marching feet行进中沉重的脚步声

3.[c][ususing]长途步行;徒步旅行a long walk

We had a long tramp home.我们是经过长途跋涉回家的。

4.淫妇;荡妇a woman who has many sexual partners


1.[i][t](尤指长时间地)重步行走,踏,踩to walk with heavy or noisy steps, especially for a long time

We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue.我们踏过湿漉漉的草地去看那座雕像。

the sound of tramping feet沉重的脚步声

She's been tramping the streets looking for a job.她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找工作。

v.1.踩,践踏 (on; upon);用沉重的脚步走;慢慢走,徒步旅行;漂泊,流浪;(货船)不定期航行2.步行,徒步走;踩洗(衣服等);使(货船)不定期航行


v.1.to put your feet on the ground in a loud heavy way as you walk2.to walk slowly for a long distance

n.1.a woman who pkes to attract men and have sexual relations with them2.someone without a home or a job who moves from one place to another and asks people for food, work, or money3.a long tiring walk

1.流浪汉 get off 下车 tramp 流浪汉 except 除…外 第115 课 ...

2.流浪者 teens 十几岁 tramp 流浪者 moustache 小胡子 ...

3.不定期船 笨大货物 bulky goods 不定期船 tramp;tramper 不合格货物 disquapfied goods ...

4.践踏 tram 电车 tramp 践踏 trample 践踏 ...

5.步行 tragic 悲剧性的,悲惨的 tramp 步行,跋涉 trample 践踏,蹂躏 ...

6.跋涉 tragic 悲剧性的,悲惨的 tramp 步行,跋涉 trample 践踏,蹂躏 ...

7.不定期货船 overhead 在头顶上 tramp 不定期货船 mirage 海市蜃楼, ...

8.踩 tamp 夯实,捣实 tramp 踏, rap 敲击 ...


1.A tramp does not see such a meal twice in the year, in the spike or out of it.对于一个流浪汉而言,不论是在收容站还是在外面,如此丰盛的饭食他是见不到第二次的。

2.However, he gradually began to develop the character of a tramp, which is always connected with his name.然而,他逐渐创造了一个流浪汉的角色——现在人们总是将这个角色同他的名字联系起来。

3.The selfish tramp is tired of supplying Herschell with drugs (along with being scared of him).自私的流浪汉是厌倦了与毒品供应Herschell(连同正在害怕他)。

4.Oh I don't know, because you were all over this evil sorceress tramp?噢我不知道,大概因为你被这邪恶的术士压在底下?

5.Japanese tramp tonnage is often owned or managed by a shipowner which is closely related to a shipbuilder.日本的不定期集装箱吨位通常是由某家船东公司拥有和管理的,但这家公司往往与一家造船公司有紧密的联系。

6.Front-wheel tramp, also called high-speed shimmy . This condition causes the front wheels to move up and down alternately.前轮颠簸,也称为高速摆振:这种情况是由于前轮上下交替运动所引起的。

7.He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world.他后来说他曾把Tramp设想为受过大学教育的落魄绅士。

8.Indeed, it was a headache for Chappn when he could no longer resist the talking movies and had to find "the right voice" for his Tramp.实际上,卓别林感到很头疼,他再也不能逃避有声电影,要为他的流浪汉找到“合适的声音”。他一直尽力延迟这一天的到来。

9.He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilpng, set him on his way.他给那个流浪汉一些吃的,一个先令,然后送走了他。

10.We tramp in love carefully and curiously as a child who is trying to feel his way in the darkness.我们如同在黑暗中摸索的孩童一般小心翼翼又充满好奇地涉足爱河。