




1.卡彭 ‧Celtic Kittens 爱尔兰小猫 ‧Capone 坏蛋卡彭 ‧Forever Free 永远自由 ...

4.卡朋面显示,一名蒙面抢匪拿枪指著塞加多并跳过柜台。一只名叫「卡朋」 (Capone)的看店洛威勒犬看到塞加多和抢匪在后面房 …

5.霸王卡邦 Carini 卡里尼 Capone 卡波内 Cossu 科素 ...


1.Capone is eating a meal in his ship, when. . . a massive black ball in the sky gravitates his ship to it.卡波恩是吃了他的船,当…一个巨大的黑球在空中他的船会吸引到它吃饭。

2.On Feb. 14, 1929, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre took place in a Chicago garage as seven rivals of Al Capone's gang were gunned down.1929年2月14日,芝加哥的一个车库里发生情人节大屠杀,阿尔·卡彭黑帮的七个对手被枪杀。

3.He uncovers a ledger, confiscated from a business called Hawthorne Smoke Shop, thought to be a Capone front.他找到了一本账簿是从一间叫霍桑烟店的公司收缴来的,他认为这家店不过是卡彭的幌子

4.Anyone who spent much time around Jordan knows he was the Chicago basketball equivalent of Capone -- a cold-blooded killer.任何在乔丹身边呆久了的人都知道,他是个芝加哥篮球的卡波尼(一个黑社会老大)――一个冷血杀手。

5.Five or six years ago, Chicago was still digging out from its old reputation among the Chinese as the home of Al Capone and Michael Jordan.五六年前,芝加哥仍然没有从自己的旧名声走出来,只是alcaphone和michaeljordan的故乡。

6.You will head a team of epte agents as you battle against the notorious Al Capone.你将领导一队精锐小分队去和声名狼籍的艾勒·凯波尼抗争。

7.He is part of the Irish Mafia in Chicago in the early 1930s who were closely associated with Al Capone and his rackets.片中保罗纽曼饰演三十年代初芝加哥的爱尔兰黑帮,他与卡邦及其党羽有著密切关系。

8.Capone: Has it been fun seeing yourself rendered serpentine for the two films your are in?问:看到你自己在这两部电影里都阴险诡异是不是很有意思?

9.Al Capone was a famous racketeer in Chicago.艾勒凯波尼是芝加哥有名的诈骗钱财的人。

10.Al Capone was a notorious gangster.阿尔。卡彭是一位臭名远扬的匪徒。