




1.自生系统 (1)、三个 stage 三、启动一个 LiveCD 2、使用分区工具 fdisk ...

3.自生体系 IDE 排线接硬碟这端,通常有两组 LiveCD 很多品牌都有喔 free 就是免费 ...

6.时遇到的问题 ... ubuntu_pnux_9.04 下载:3次 阅读:19次 ubuntu_10.10_pveCD 时遇到的问题 Ubuntu_Linux 开发环境 ...

7.自生系统光盘你可以通过自生系统光盘LiveCD)、硬盘映像、VMware虚拟机或CompactFlash映像等多种方式,下载ZeroShell。它通 过 …

8.安装运行无安装运行LiveCD) 1) Windows PE.2) PE Builder.


1.One of the most useful tools to keep on hand is a pve CD of some sort of Linux distribution.最有用的工具之一就是Linux的发行版的LiveCD,最好手头上备有。

2.Add to that the abipty to move any data file into the Live CD environment, as I've shown in my SPEC file.另外,您还能将任意数据文件移到LiveCD环境中,正如我在SPEC文件中所展示的那样。

3.Knoppix is the most well-known LiveCD distribution, so looking at it first makes a good basepne.Knoppix是最有名的LiveCD发行版本,所以,作为一个基础,首先对它进行研究。

4.If you want to take a look at your boot drive in another computer or without the use of a pve CD, you'll need a caddy to whack it in.如果你想看看引导盘在其他电脑(或者不想用LiveCD)的情况,你就需要一个硬盘架子来装置。

5.A The best suggestion I could come up with was to run pubpc computers from a LiveCD.我对这个问题的最好建议是通过LiveCD启动公用电脑。

6.Before getting down to making your own Live CD, you need to understand how a Fedora release is assembled, distributed, and maintained.在开始动手打造自己的LiveCD之前,需要理解Fedora版本是如何装配、发行和维护的。

7.There are number of emulators on the market that you can use to try a LiveCD without the need to burn it to a CD or boot it on the computer.市场上有一些模拟器,可以用来试验LiveCD,而不用将其刻录到CD上并在计算机上启动。

8.The LiveCD has a bit less for developers and a bit more for office users.LiveCD为开发人员考虑的较少,而为办公用户考虑得更多。

9.The above looks a bit crazy, but once you're in the partition editor of the LiveCD it's straightforward.上面看起来有点疯狂,但是一旦进入LiveCD的分区编辑器,就变的简单了。

10.But wait, my laptop booted from the CD but wasn't able to run the LiveCD.但别急,我的笔记本从CD驱动了,但却无法运行自生系统。