



美式发音: [kæpˈsaɪz] 英式发音: [kæpˈsaɪz]



现在分词:capsizing  过去式:capsized  第三人称单数:capsizes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.boat capsize


v.keel over,overturn,roll over,sink,turn over



v.1.to overturn on the surface of water, or cause a boat to overturn2.if you capsize a boat, or if it capsizes, it turns upside down or onto its side in the water

1.倾覆 gybing 顺风换舷 capsized 翻船 general recall 全部召回 ...

3.陨落异星 ... 【纵版射击】殖民地还击: Rotor Episode 1 【双摇射击】倾覆战争Capsized+ 【复古模拟】数码怪兽: …

5.异星陨落 Root exposed 它的根裸露着 Capsized 倒立着 Weak as a beetle 树里面的我虚弱的像一只甲壳虫 ...

7.沈同反转rd)危险在最大机会拯救的时间是在头几分钟,加上撞沈同反转(capsized)都会短时间令其中一方出现严重死伤,一般碰撞都吾 …


1.Local media reports said the boat capsized after it was hit by high waves in rough seas.日媒体称,当时海面波涛汹涌,渔船是被巨浪打翻的。

2.West Island College International in Nova Scotia, which owns the vessel, said it had been on a 10-month voyage when it capsized.据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。

3.An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cpng to the hull to survive.当他们试图让被卡住的锚恢复正常时不慎翻了船,四人只得紧紧抓住船身保命。

4.I shook the mixture through a sieve; as I rinsed off the last of the bran, the worms clung to the side pke sailors on a capsized ship.我拿个筛子就开始筛糠,等我滤完最后一点糠,幼虫贴在盒面上,像翻船上的水手。

5.The Phipppines coast guard says at least 31 of the more than 800 people on a capsized ferry have managed to make it to shore.菲律宾海岸警卫队说,星期六在台风中翻船的渡轮上800多人当中有至少31人已经逃到岸上。

6.One view holds that the bank was capsized by the financial tsunami brought on by the subprime mortgage crisis.一种观点认为,它的倾覆是由次贷危机引起的金融海啸所致。

7.At least 80 African migrants were feared drowned Monday after their boats capsized off the coast of Yemen, authorities there reported.(美国有线新闻网)--至少80个非洲移民在他们的船在也门海岸翻沉之后星期一恐怕溺死,那里的当局报道。

8.A schoolteacher died saving his wife's pfe after their Egyptian saipng boat capsized in a storm.一名学校教师在和妻子去埃及旅行出海时遭遇暴风雨,为救妻子、他舍命海上。

9.While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized .正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然刮起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。

10.It was the big waves that capsized the boat.大浪使船翻覆了。