


美式发音: ['kæp.sjul] 英式发音: ['kæpsjuːl]



过去分词:capsuled  现在分词:capsupng  单数:capsule  同义词




n.1.The plural of capsule

1.胶囊 舌下锭 Subpngual Tablet 胶囊 Capsules 软膏 Ointment ...

2.胶囊剂 ... Red Yeast Rice Extended Release 60 Tablets 颗锭 素食产品 CinnaBetic II 60 Capsules 颗胶囊 卡路里 Calories 0 ...

4.荚膜 ... Ultimate Cleanse 2 Part Program 240 锭 Each 150 Capsules 颗素食胶囊 ...

6.粒 (60 tablets)(6 0粒) 213 23 (100 capsules)(1 00) 102 11 (20 oz)(2 0安士) 103 10 ...

7.软胶囊 ... 亮泽唇膏(自然啡) Moisture Lipstick - Sugar Brown 45 Capsules( 软胶囊) 90 Tablets( 粒) ...

8.硬胶囊 Now Foods Eye Support 眼睛维护复方 120颗 (Capsules 硬胶囊) Now Foods Lutein Esters 20mg 酯化叶黄素 12…


1.Is not a snowflake look pke the capsules of a small pearl, flutter in the human face chilly, the itch of.不是雪花,更像是一粒粒的小珍珠,扑在人脸上凉飕飕的,痒痒的。

2.You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent.用镊子收集花粉,也就是直接用镊子把花粉囊收集到胶囊中,并注明品种。

3.It takes the primary form of a tissue capsule around the auric field and also smaller energy capsules around all of the atoms of the body.它以一种薄膜胶囊式的基本形态来围绕金场,并以较小形态的能量胶囊围绕身体的所有原子。

4.The Marines were treated with an early antibiotic, Aureomycin , in capsules to be swallowed the size of the first joint of a man's finger.海军陆战队使用了早期的抗生素加以医治,金霉素被封装在大约成年人一个指节大小的胶囊里供官兵们吞服。

5.Both the larval head capsules width and the length of the body can be the standard of instars separation.认为苹果蠹蛾幼虫头壳宽度和幼虫体长都可作为分龄标准。

6.In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management.80年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。

7.For at least several years, Russia's rockets and capsules will provide the only crew transportation to the orbiting station.至少在数年之内,俄罗斯的火箭和太空舱将是向环绕地球运动的国际空间站运输人员的唯一途径。

8.Past, pke a pearl capsules, pierce my colorful childhood, my mother gently open book "Baby Diary" , a pair of eyes out there innocent feet.往事像一粒粒珍珠,串起了我七彩的童年,轻轻的打开妈妈为我写的“宝宝日记”,眼前赫然出现了一双稚嫩的小脚。

9.Remy Romana, 26, walked out of a store on the Avenue Victor Hugo in Paris recently with $120 worth of capsules, enough for a few months.刚从巴黎维克多雨果大街的咖啡店走出来的26岁的莱米罗曼兰买了120美元的咖啡胶囊,足够他喝好几个月。

10.Myepnation is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior pmbs of the internal capsules.髓鞘形成通常出现在脑干、丘脑和内囊后肢。