


网络释义:佳能先进打印技术(Canon Advanced Printing Technology);船长;上尉


1.佳能先进打印技术(Canon Advanced Printing Technology) CAP CAPTITAL 资本,资金 CAPT;CPT CAPTAIN 船长 CAR CARAT 克拉 ...

3.上尉 上尉 (CAPT) 中尉 (1 LT) 少尉 (2 LT) 上士 (SSG) 中士 (SGT) 下士 (CPL).


1.At the same hearing, Capt. Kuchta said that communications had not been a problem.在同一个听证会上,船长库赫达说沟通没有问题。

2.As well as the box, Capt Gunter brought back with him a collection of jade objects he took from the Summer Palace.除了这个盒子之外,钢特上尉还从颐和园带回了一些玉雕藏品。

3.A senior defense official said the announcement on Capt. Owen Honors of the USS Enterprise was expected Tuesday afternoon.一位高级防务官员称,对欧文上校的荣誉企业号公告,预计周二下午。

4.Spokesman Capt. Jerome Baroe said the signals had come from Russian warships moving from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.发言人海军上校JeromeBaroe说,来自俄罗斯军舰上的信号一直在地中海到波罗的海之间移动。

5.Thank you, yes, your chief has mentioned it to me in other evening. Let me see. . . I'll get Capt. Clarke to write a reply.谢谢您,您的处长那天晚上曾经提到过这件事,让我想想看,我想请克拉克上尉帮我写一个回信。

6.Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to "save a people in distress" .头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。

7.Flames were spreading rapidly, power was out, and terrified workers were leaping into the dark, oil-coated sea. Capt.几分钟内,平台上一片混乱,火势迅速蔓延,电力中断,惊恐万分的工人们跳进漆黑的、被石油覆盖的大海。

8.But Capt. Kirby said there was'no identification' of who was in the convoy.但柯比说,这队人的身份不明。

9.He decided to press charges against the popcemen, including Capt Golyshev and Col Kuznetsov, whom he alleged had organised his kidnapping.他决定对警方提出起诉,被告包括戈雷舍夫上尉和库兹涅佐夫上校,指控他们策划了绑架他的行动。

10."It doesn't appear that Facebook or any of those things were used, " said county popce Capt. Paul Starks in an interview Thursday.“看上去没有使用脸谱这类的社交网站,”县警察分区巡官保罗.斯塔克斯星期四在一次采访中说。