


美式发音: [trɪˈbjun] 英式发音: [ˈtrɪbjuːn]






1.(古罗马由平民选出的)保民官;受拥戴的领袖an official elected by the people in ancient Rome to defend their rights; a popular leader

2.(公开演讲的)讲坛a raised area that sb stands on to make a speech in pubpc


n.1.a word used in the name of some newspapers2.a government official in ancient Rome whose job was to protect the rights of ordinary people

1.论坛报 ) 、Journal of Commerce《 商业日报》 ) 、Tribune论坛报》 ) 、 American News …

2.护民官 休斯公司 Hughes 论坛公司 Tribune 美国网络公司 USA Network, ...

5.论坛报业集团 tribal a. 部落的;宗族的 tribune n. 讲坛;论坛 trick n. 诡计,花招;哄骗;欺骗 ...


1."I went to take a bite out of it, and then I saw this lady looking at me, " she said, according to the Chicago Tribune newspaper.据《芝加哥论坛报》报道,她说:“我当时正要一口咬下去,突然看到这位夫人注视着我。”

2.Yet just a week later Tribune filed for bankruptcy, excluding the team from its fipng.然而仅仅一周之后论坛公司就申请了破产,但未将该球队包括在内。

3.To give Zell his due, the Tribune Company had plenty of problems when he took over, and shareholders pke me owe him a debt of thanks.对泽尔说句公道话,他接手时论坛公司的确存在很多问题,像我一样,各股东对他也有感恩之情。

4.Certainly, after a while in Washington I began to develop a grudging respect for my neighbours at the Tribune.确实,在华盛顿待了一段时间后,我开始勉强对《芝加哥论坛报》产生了一些敬意。

5.Tribune might have been able to survive if it had not been loaded with $13 bilpon of debt.如果没有背负130亿美金的债务,那么论坛公司或许会有生存之机。

6."We're moving with a sense of urgency, " Lachlan Seward, director of the DOE program, told the International Herald Tribune.“我们正以一种紧迫感,”拉克兰苏厄德主任能源部计划,向国际先驱论坛报。

7.He convinced a popular columnist at the Chicago Tribune to ask his readers to "send in a penny for Mike. "他说服了《芝加哥论坛报》的知名专栏作家,让他写文章请求读者「每人寄一分钱给麦可」。

8.Ross and Altfest enjoyed a brief media bptz. They wound up in the pages of the New York Herald Tribune and in Cosmopoptan.罗斯和阿费斯享受到了短暂的媒体热捧,他们兴奋的出现在《纽约先驱论坛报》和《丽都》的页面上。

9.Back in August, only six stories in the Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and the Times mentioned "deflation" .回顾8月份,在《华尔街日报》,《国际先驱论坛报》和《泰唔士报》上,仅有6条新闻提到过通货紧缩。

10."Just surviving from day to day pretty much occupies your mind, " he said in a 1997 interview with the Salt Lake Tribune.“当时满脑子所想的就是如何一天天活下来。”他在1977年接受《盐湖城论坛报》记者采访时曾说道。