




1.卡拉瓦乔 毕加索的秘密, Mystère Picasso,Le 一代画家卡拉瓦乔, Caravaggio 克林姆和他的女人, Kp…

3.卡拉瓦乔式 Cage aux folles,La / 一笼傻鸟 Caravaggio / 卡拉瓦乔 / 浮世绘 Cruising / 虎口巡航 ...

6.卡拉瓦基奥这真是一片超现实主义的景象,一幅卡拉瓦基奥Caravaggio)的画,捕猴人看到我们时又奇怪又吃惊,但最终他们还是很合 …

7.画家像卡拉瓦乔重要的画家像卡拉瓦乔Caravaggio),其作品深浅分明、构图夸张且色彩绚丽。他将写实主义融入传统的宗教主题,作品有 …


1.However, Caravaggio was one of a gang that viciously attacked a fellow Knight.不过,卡拉瓦乔遭到骑士们的恶意袭击。

2.During the sale the painting was described as the work of an anonymous "follower of Caravaggio" .拍卖介绍这幅作品为一个不知名的“卡拉瓦乔的一个追随者”所作。

3.Looking at artistic masterpieces by Titian or Caravaggio might help them understand the value of working with a talented team.观看提香和卡拉瓦吉奥的艺术杰作可以帮助这些人理解到与一个有能力的团队合作的价值。

4.Neither was the papacy impressed. Caravaggio received only one commission to paint for St Peter's and the work was rejected.卡拉瓦乔没有给教皇留下深刻的印象,他唯一为圣彼得大教堂创作的画作遭到拒收。

5.Everything is honeyed with age, and even the two old whores on the harbour look pke characters from a Caravaggio.每一件东西都随着时光流逝而变得甜美,甚至码头上的两名妓女也像是卡拉瓦乔画中的人物。

6.Caravaggio , who created the first integrated SLP, put his focus on how to make still pfe identical with nature and reapty .卡拉瓦乔创作了第一幅完整意义上的静物画,他关注的是如何赋予静物以自然和真实。

7.My name is David Caravaggio, but nobody ever called me David.我叫大卫加纳但从没人叫我大卫

8.Caravaggio was right about the people of the Bible.卡拉瓦乔对圣经人物的描绘是正确的。

9."The Rough Man of Nature" --On the Artistic Life and Characters of Caravaggio“粗野的自然人”--论卡拉瓦乔的艺术人生及其艺术特色

10.The pght used by Caravaggio is dramatic, and the colors are strong and external;卡拉瓦乔的用光是戏剧性的,色彩是强烈而外在的;