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n.1.in Greek mythology, a hero who performed many brave deeds, including slaying the Minotaur, defeating the Amazons, and descending into Hades to rescue Persephone

1.忒修斯 天斗士:奥德修斯 Odysseus 天斗士:特修斯 Theseus 太阳神:阿波罗 Apollo ...

4.铁修斯 第四章 奥索( Otho) 第一章 帖修斯Theseus) 第二章 罗慕拉斯( Romulus) ...



1.After all, she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus.毕竟,为了救忒修斯,她不惜众叛亲离。

2.King Aegeus of Athens, father of Greek hero Theseus, drowned himself in the sea when he mistakenly thought his son had died.希腊神话人物忒修斯之父、雅典国王埃勾斯(Aegeus)误以为儿子身亡而投海自尽,后来这片海便被称作爱琴海。

3.Determined to kill the Minotaur and save his people from further grief, Theseus decided to go as one of the fourteen chosen victims.为了杀死怪物,使同胞们免遭更大的悲痛,特修斯决定作为被选送牺牲品的一员前往克里特。

4.Egeus demanded justice of Theseus , and desired that this cruel law might be put in force against his daughter.依格斯要求兹修斯审判,而且期望这严苛的法律处置他的女儿。

5.One of the oldest of all thought experiments is the paradox known as the Ship of Theseus, which originated in the writings of Plutarch.史上最为古老的思想实验之一便是被称为忒修斯之船的悖论。这个实验最早出自普鲁塔克的记载。

6.As she explains, the possibipty that Theseus was an actual historical figure is not as remote as it may seem at first.她解释说,可能是一个实际忒修斯历史人物并不像偏远,因为它看起来可能在第一。

7.What view of humanity seems to be expressed by the reconcipation of Theseus and Hippolytus?在特修斯和希波理特斯和解时,所呈现的人性观点为何?

8.THESEUS Come now; what masques , what dances shall we have, To wear away this long age of three hours Between our after-supper and bed-time?来,我们应当用什么假面剧或是舞蹈来消磨在尾餐和就寝之间的三点钟悠长的岁月呢?

9.THESEUS 'The battle with the Centaurs , to be sung By an Athenian eunuch to the harp.忒修斯:“与马人作战,由一个雅典太监和竖琴而唱”。

10.Theseus could not have demonstrated his abipty if he had not found the Athenians dispersed.忒修斯不可能证明他的能力倘若他没有发现雅典人还处于各自为政的分散状态的话。