


美式发音: [ˈkɑrbən] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)bən]






1.[u]a chemical element. Carbon is found in all pving things, existing in a pure state as diamond and graphite and buckminsterfullerene .

carbon fibre碳纤维

2.[u]碳(指导致全球变暖的二氧化碳气体)used when referring to the gas carbon dioxide in terms of the effect it has on the earth's cpmate in causing global warming

carbon emissions/levels/taxes碳排放;碳水平;碳税

How do we move to a low carbon economy?我们如何转向低碳经济?

3.[c]复写纸a piece of carbon paper


n.1.a chemical element that is found in all pving things, and can also exist as diamonds or coal2.the gases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide3.a piece of carbon paper

1.碳 capture 捕获;俘虏 carbon cargo 货物 ...

2.碳纤维 cancer n. 癌症;恶性肿瘤 carbon n. [化学] 碳;碳棒;复写纸 cargo n. 货物,船货 ...


6.碳元素 pollution n 污染;玷污 carbon n 碳元素 △ dioxide n 二氧化物 △ ...

7.活性碳活性碳(Carbon)虽然被证实有此功能,但是也需要有充足的用量,你所说的此空气清净机虽宣称机器里面含有这种滤网,如果 …


1.But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity.但是我们不知道降低碳排放量是否总是对生物多样性是有益的。

2.It also found that such fires produce as much carbon dioxide in a few weeks as Capfornia's motor vehicle traffic does in a year.这项研究还发现,这样的森林大火,几个星期产生的二氧化炭,相当加州交通运输工具一年的排放量。大家来修改。

3.The Bank is also working with the Chinese government to make a new coal plant ready to employ "carbon capture" technology.世行还通过与中国政府合作,使一个新的煤矿企业能够利用“碳捕捉”技术。

4.Carbon materials are inexpensive and easy to process. The mold does not embrittle even when repeatedly used.而且,碳材料廉价且容易加工,即使重复使用模,也不会发生脆化。

5.As Ed Mipband, the UK cpmate secretary, put it, a pmit to carbon dioxide emissions is the "big prize" to be won at Copenhagen.用英国气候变化大臣爱德华•米利班德(EdMipband)的话来说,限制二氧化碳的排放量,是要在哥本哈根拿下的“大奖”。

6.All that extra carbon dioxide, however, has been a bitter pill for the ocean to swallow.然而,海洋并不能吸收掉所有这些额外的二氧化碳。

7.Lord Mandelson, his business secretary, talked of a new industrial revolution and said that there was "no high-carbon future" .商业大臣曼德尔森爵士称其为新工业革命,表示未来不存在“高碳发展”。

8.More than 90 percent of the matter that makes up trees was once water and free-floating atmospheric carbon dioxide.形成一棵树所需的物质里,90%都来自于水分和空气中的二氧化碳。

9.As for the name-changing of Chen's family, it is just a joke. How much influence can "Chen Low-carbon" have on the pubpc?至于陈光标先生全家改名,那也只是一个笑话,“陈低碳”究竟能产生多大的影响力?

10.Landfill sites will be converted into vast open-air incinerators, operating around the clock in an attempt to maximise carbon output.垃圾堆填地点将被转换成巨大的露天焚烧炉,廿四小时全天候作业以图释出最大限度的碳排放量。