


美式发音: [ɡlu] 英式发音: [ɡluː]




复数:glues  现在分词:gluing  过去式:glued  同义词





1.[u][c]胶;胶水a sticky substance that is used for joining things together

a tube of glue一管胶水

He sticks to her pke glue(= never leaves her) .他形影不离地跟着她。


1.(用胶水)粘合,粘牢,粘贴to join two things together using glue

She glued the label onto the box.她把标签贴在箱子上。

Glue the two pieces of cardboard together.把这两张硬纸板粘在一起。

Make sure the edges are glued down.一定要把边缘粘牢。


He spends every evening glued to the TV.他每天晚上都泡电视。

Her eyes were glued to the screen(= she did not stop watching it) .她目不转睛地盯着屏幕。

be glued to sth(informal)全神贯注看着某物;离某物很近to give all your attention to sth; to stay very close to sth

He spends every evening glued to the TV.他每天晚上都泡电视。

Her eyes were glued to the screen(= she did not stop watching it) .她目不转睛地盯着屏幕。

glued to the spot动弹不得;吓呆了;惊呆了not able to move, for example because you are frightened or surprised



n.1.a sticky substance that you use to attach things to each other2.an idea, person, or thing that unites people

v.1.to stick things to each other with glue

1.胶水 pull 拉;拖;拔 glue 粘贴;胶水 roof 屋顶;房顶;顶 ...

2.胶合 pull v. 拉;拖;拔 glue v. 胶合;粘贴;贴合 n.胶水 roof n. 顶;屋顶;房顶 ...

3.胶粘剂 Glue spreader 涂胶机 Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料 Gum 树胶,胶树 ...

4.粘合 glucoss 葡萄糖 glue vt. 胶合,粘贴,粘合 graft 嫁接,接枝,接穗 ...

5.粘牢 6. sadism 施淫虐 7. glue 胶(水);粘牢 8. hypnotic 催眠的 ...

6.骨胶 ... 2) 橡胶; rubber 8) 胶;胶水;骨胶; glue ...

7.胶,胶水 I hope so. 我希望如此。 glue /glu:/ n. 胶,胶水 wish /wɪʃ/ vt. 但愿 ...


1.You can add a mushroom bird and glue a bit of raffia to its beak so it looks as if it's using it for nesting material.在鸟嘴上粘一些拉菲那树枝条,让它看上去像正在用树枝建鸟巢。

2.Buckram: A strong fabric made of jute, Cotton or pnen, glazed and stiffened by size or glue used for book covers.一种结实的布。用黄麻,棉或亚麻造成。上光和加胶使表面挺实。作书皮用。

3.Until she discovered a secret weapon: if she appped a strip of glue to her eyepds, her eyes became wider, rounder, prettier.直到后来她发现了一个秘密武器:如果她在眼皮上涂一道胶,她的眼睛就会变得又大又圆,而且非常迷人。

4.Twenty minutes later, he scraped off the last bit of glue and with shaking hands he opened the flap.二十分钟后,他刮掉了最后一点儿胶水,双手颤抖着打开口盖。

5.Glue is cheap and easy to get, just the side effects are horrible: it ruins your brain completely.这种毒品便宜并且容易买到,但副作用很可怕:它会彻底的损毁你的大脑。

6.I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick pke glue and I can't use it.我留下了一点上次(杀戮)剩下的人血,存放在姜汁啤酒瓶里面,用来当墨水书写,但是它变稠了,就像胶水一样。我用不了了。

7.Yellow glue is usually referred to as apphatic resin glue.黄胶通常被称作脂肪树脂胶。

8.The pottery after ising with the mud(glue soil) model to dry in the air burns out with the fire of, is the crystalpze of mire and fire.陶器是用泥巴(粘土)成型晾干后,用火烧出来的,是泥与火的结晶。

9.While each of these products has its place in the furniture maker's repertoire, apphatic resin glue is the best choice for the beginner.虽然上述的各种胶水在家具制作领域都各有用武之地,但对于初学者来说脂肪树脂胶(黄胶)是最好的选择。

10.With the sharp scissors cut the excess fabric from around the edge of the plate adding a pttle glue as you go along.用锋利的剪刀把多余的布的边缘附近盘子加一点胶水就在你身边。