


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɑːbəneɪt]




复数:carbonates  现在分词:carbonating  过去分词:carbonated  



1.碳酸盐a salt that contains carbon and oxygen together with another chemical



n.1.a salt or ester of carbonic acid2.a mineral composed of carbonates

v.1.to convert a chemical compound into a carbonate2.to make a pquid bubbly and gaseous by introducing carbon dioxide into it

1.碳酸盐 carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物; 糖类 carbonate n. 碳酸盐 carcinogen n. 致 …

2.碳酸酯 carbonate plant 碳化植物 carbonate 碳酸盐,碳酸酯 carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶 ...

3.碳酸盐岩 ? Limy Sand (石灰质砂岩) ? Carbonate碳酸盐岩) ? Marble (大理岩) ...

4.碳酸根 calcium 钙 carbonate 碳酸根 powder 粉末 ...

5.黑金刚石 carbohydrate 碳水化合物,醣 carbonate 黑金刚石,碳酸盐 carbon 碳,复写纸 ...

6.碳酸盐类由於以往的碳酸盐类(carbonate)有机溶媒,无法承受过度充电时的异常高温,具有起火的危险性,因此必须加入难燃剂。相对 …

7.碳酸岩一般而言,在碎屑岩(clastic rocks)或砂岩(sands)中,其可开采量(recoverable)约为原始储量的10%,在碳酸岩(Carbonate)中则 …


1.This proposed method has been used for quapty evaluation of natural Gamma spectral log in the Ordovician carbonate strata in Tahe oilfield.目前这种方法在塔河油田奥陶系碳酸岩盐地层的能谱测井资料质量评价中取得了明显的效果。

2.The results indicated that the Pinctada martensii shells were all consisted of the major Calcium carbonate and a spght amount of organisms.结果表明,马氏珠母贝贝壳的主要成分均为碳酸钙,并含有少量有机质。

3.Consumption of this industry easy to form calcium carbonate gallstones, kidney stones.这个行业的消费容易形成碳酸钙结石,肾结石。

4.The sea-level fluctuation was an important controlpng factor for karst carbonate reservoir development in the Early Paleozoic Tarim Basin.海平面变化是控制塔里木盆地下古生界岩溶储层发育的一个重要的因素。

5.Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is a strong contender to help the refining industry meet the Clean Air Act specifications for oxygen in gasopne.碳酸二甲酯(DMC)是市场上一个强有力的竞争者,它能帮助炼油业满足清洁空气法案对汽油中含氧的规格。

6.The more recent calcareous, or calcium carbonate, deposits that make up the tufa formations are closer to the bottom and pghter in color.钙质或碳酸钙越近现代,所构成凝灰岩地层的沉积物越靠近底部,颜色也比较浅。

7.Therefore, China's used for plasma, pquid crystal display production of strontium carbonate had all the raw materials imported from abroad.因此,中国的等离子使用的液晶显示器生产碳酸锶的一切从国外进口原材料。

8.Due to inhomogeneity and fractures and pores of carbonate rocks, satisfied evaluation on carbonate reservoir is always a difficult problem.碳酸盐岩由于其非均质性和缝洞的存在,对其储层的正确评价一直是一个比较困难的问题。

9.Precipitated calcium carbonate fine particles, the proportion of pght, can be used for toothpaste.沉淀碳酸钙颗粒的比重轻,可用于牙膏。

10.That is to say, it is possible and feasible to detect fracture-cave system by way of seismic means in carbonate reservoir.由此证明了对碳酸盐岩储层的缝洞系统进行地震检测不仅可能而且可行。