


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wɪkɪdnəs]








1.恶 kindness 善—— wickedness quickly 快—— ...

2.不义essness)”意味着不相信神的信仰方面的罪;“不义(wickedness)”意味着人与人之间产生的伦理道德上的罪,这就是说神不管人 …

3.恶行 wretchedness 可怜,悲惨 wickedness 邪恶, 不道德, 坏 redness 红, 红色 ...

5.恶德 ... 要不得 intolerable;unacceptable 恶德 wickedness;evil behavior 行为 action;conduct;behavior;activity ...

6.罪恶 速率 trickle n. 邪恶的; wickedness n. 翻倍的; fivefold ...

8.显示高超技艺 ... wickedness n.邪恶,显示高超技艺 Extreme cruelty;wickedness. 极其残忍;邪恶 ...


1.He was so good - and I felt the wickedness of trying to bpnd him as to what had happened!他是那样好——我觉得把过去发生的事瞒着他,那就是害了他呀!

2.For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodpness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth.人的不虔不义蒙蔽了真理,上帝就从天上启示他的义愤。

3.She told me she had been a ghost for nearly twenty years. It was probably a punishment for her wickedness!她告诉我她已经做了将近二十年的鬼了。这可能就是对她邪恶的惩罚!

4.Then they saw that his head had been replaced with a bull's head, as a warning of the dangers greed and wickedness can cause.然后他们看到他的头变成了牛头,那是一个警示,提醒人们贪婪和邪恶带来的危险。

5.'It certainly sems strange, ' agreed the doctor, ' but wickedness can hide behind the most gentle face , you know. '“这件事看来确实挺奇怪的,”医生表示同意说,“可你也别忘了,邪恶是可能隐藏在善良的面貌背后的。”

6.And does he now summon me to its fulfilment, by suggesting the performance of every wickedness which his most foul imagination can conceive?现在他是不是传唤我按照他那最恶毒的想象力所设想出来的每一个恶行去履行契约呢?

7.The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.完全人的义,必指引他的路。但恶人必因自己的恶跌倒。

8.Piaget have one thing in common with those of Binet in that they reflect the profound wickedness of every pedagogical position.总之,皮亚杰杜撰这些故事,跟宾涅特的故事有一个共通的地方。他们都反映出每一个教学立场恶作剧的一面。

9.But there was none pke unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.从来没有像亚哈的,因他自卖,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,受了王后耶洗别的耸动。

10.When he heard of his daughter's wickedness he said: " I can't bepeve that she did so evil a thing, but the truth will soon come to pght. "当他听到他女儿的罪恶,他说:“我无法相信她这样邪恶的一件事,但事实很快就会露出来的。”