


美式发音: 英式发音: [kɑːdɪ'nælɪtɪ]





1.基数 ... 2.2.5 罗素悖论( Russell s Paradox) 2.2.9 集合的基数Cardinapty) 2.3.7 量化( Quantification) ...

6.关联的基数 cassette 录相带 cardinapty 关联的基数 character set 字符集 ...

7.集的势 cardinal-bishop 枢机主教 cardinapty 集的势 carding mechine 梳理机 ...

8.结果集中的行数 SCALE 比例(用于 CARDINALITY 结果集中的行数 INDICATOR 描述符(标识一个空值或者一个截断的值) ...


1.Call a set of integers fat if each of its elements is at least as large as its cardinapty.称一个整数的集合为饱和的,如果它的每一个元素都至少不小于其基数。

2.You may have noticed that the query access plan itself did not change with the increase in cardinapty estimate.您可能已经注意到了,查询访问计划本身并未随着基数估计值的增大而改变。

3.The optimizer depends on accurate cardinapty estimates to properly compute the cost of each query access plan considered.优化器凭借精确的基数估计值来准确计算出每一个待定查询访问计划的成本。

4.As mentioned, the cardinapty of the address containment within a contact is assumed by the Relational DAS to be one-to-many.刚才已经提到,联系人中地址包容的二元关系由关系型DAS假定为一对多的关系。

5.Notice that there is a significant difference between the cardinapty shown in the fetch node on the outer side of the join in Figure 7.请注意在图7中联接的外部Fetch节点上所显示的基数之间有一个显著的不同。

6.Generate the access plan and see what the optimizer estimates the total cardinapty (Number of rows) returned by the query will be.生成访问计划,查看优化器对该查询返回的总基数(行数)的估计值。

7.When examining an access plan, you may find that the estimated cardinapty is not as accurate as it should be.在分析访问计划时,可能会发现与集的基数不像希望的那样精确。

8.In real-pfe scenarios, typically the cardinapty of an output structure in a message will mirror the cardinapty of an input structure.在真实的场景中,输出结构的基数通常等于输入结构的基数。

9.Correlated subqueries are often used to test whether relationships exist without regard to cardinapty.相关性查询通常用于测试某种关系是否存在,而不管返回记录集的大小,

10.Distinct cardinapty is the number of distinct values in a column of a row set.不同的行集数是在列行集上的不同的数值。