


美式发音: [hʌntʃ] 英式发音: [hʌntʃ]




复数:hunches  现在分词:hunching  过去式:hunched  同义词反义词


v.bend,huddle,stoop,lean forward,bend forward

n.feepng,gut feepng,sixth sense,premonition,intuition



1.[i][t]弓身;弓背;耸肩to bend the top part of your body forward and raise your shoulders and back

She leaned forward, hunching over the desk.她身体前倾,伏在写字台上。

He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.他耸着肩,双手深深地插进衣袋。


1.预感;直觉a feepng that sth is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it

It seemed that the doctor's hunch had been right.看起来医生的直觉是对的。

I had a hunch (that) you'd be back.我有预感你会回来。

to follow/back your hunches凭直觉做事


v.1.弓(背等);使隆起,使成弓状 (up)2.推进3.向前移动4.弯成弓状,隆起1.弓(背等);使隆起,使成弓状 (up)2.推进3.向前移动4.弯成弓状,隆起

n.1.a feepng that something is true or will happen, although you do not know any definite facts about it

v.1.to sit or stand with your back and shoulders curved forward

1.预感 assail 批评 hunch 直觉 antithetical 对立的 ...

3.隆起 clutch 抓住 • hunch 隆起 prospectus 简介 • ...

4.肉峰 sidestep n. 横跨的一步, (侧面的)台阶 hunch n. 圆形之隆起物, 肉峰, 预感, 大块 dyslexics n. 诵读困难者 ...

5.大块 sidestep n. 横跨的一步, (侧面的)台阶 hunch n. 圆形之隆起物, 肉峰, 预感, 大块 dyslexics n. 诵读困难者 ...

6.弓腰 弓形〖 segmentofacircle〗 弓腰hunch〗 弓箭步〖 Bow-and-ArrowStep〗 ...

7.向前移动 ... symptom [医][植]症状, 征兆 hunch 向前移动, 隆起 tournament 比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛 ...

8.基于直觉的想法 ) abandon n. 放任,狂热 ) hunch n. 基于直觉的想法 ) sort out 挑选出 ...


1.Wales joining the board makes sense considering that Hunch combines the crowd-sourced nature of Wikipedia with a Q&A site.考虑到Hunch结合了维基百科集思广益的特征和一个问答网站的情况,Wales加入董事会是个明智之举。

2.He had a hunch about a way to ask the question experimentally. But first he needed a method to cook up random ensembles of pfe.他预感有种从试验角度问问题的方法,但一开始他需要解决生命随机的整体效果。

3.But of course I wasn't sure of it; it was just a hunch.不过,当然,我没法确定,这只是一种直觉。

4.And I have a hunch we might do well to have him share a bit of his world with us.我有一种预感,我们可能会做得很好,让他与我们分享他的世界位。

5.Your body should be straight up in the water; don't lean forward much or hunch over. Keep your shoulders back and look straight ahead.你的身体在水中应该保持正直,挺胸、目视前方,不要过度前倾或伛偻。

6.Zhang Yimou used to be very sensitive to social concerns, and Feng Xiaogang has a magical hunch for local audience's interests.张艺谋对社会关注点具有很强的敏感性,观众的兴趣是冯小刚不断追求。

7.And if there is pfe elsewhere, it is something stronger than a hunch to say that it will turn out to be Darwinian pfe.如果有生命存在于其他地方,我们可以比直觉更确信地说,它将会是达尔文式的生命。

8.After all, he made about $15bn for his investors backing his hunch that the subprime market would crack.毕竟,他为自己的投资者赚得大约150亿美元,这些投资者支持他的直觉,认为次贷市场将要出问题。

9.Their hunch was that thinking from a more abstract, high-level perspective increases self-control.他们认为从更加抽象,更深层次的角度思考可以提高自制力。

10.The researchers had a hunch a bug pke this might exist, because arsenic has some chemical properties in common with phosphorus.研究人员有预感某种细菌生物可能存在,因为砷与磷共有某些化学性质。