



美式发音: [ˈkɑrɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)ɡəʊ]



复数:cargos  复数:cargoes  



n.1.things that are being sent by ship, airplane, train, or truck; used about ships, airplanes, etc. that carry goods

1.船货 ... flamingo-flamingoes/flamingos 火烈鸟 cargo-cargoes/cargos 船货,货物 shako-shakoes/shakos 一种 …

2.大贴袋裤 Floral Dress 碎花裙子 Cargos 大贴袋裤 Fur Vest 皮草背心 ...


1.During the period of the ship being hijacked by Somapa pirates, the ship and cargos suffer the real and common maritime adventure.在索马里海盗劫持船货期间,船舶和货物面临共同的真实危险。

2.Cargos whose declare value is over the customs pmitation of the destination country or transferred country.海关申报价值超过目的国或中转国海关限定。

3.The move, which hit spot cargos, came as the miners continue to seek large price increases for long-term contracts to Chinese customers.对现货价格造成冲击的上述措施出台之际,这两家澳大利亚最大的矿业集团正继续寻求对中国客户的长期合同大幅提价。

4.Right after packaging, the chief packer will fill in a packing pst, indicating the serial numbers of cases and the description of cargos.待装箱完毕后,包装主任会及时填制一份包装清单,详细列明各箱之编号及所载物品之名称。

5.International, domestic or high value cargos are marked and stored separately in a region with fences or walls.国际的,国内的,高价值的给予标注并分开存放在安全有围栏或围墙的区域内;

6.In possession of Non-vessel Carrier Certificate and Class-A Forwarding Certificate. Provide agency services for various cargos.具有无船承运人资质、一级国际货代资质,可提供包括整车、零部件在内的各类货物的代理服务。

7.Immense wooden barges patrolled its banks, exchanging cargos of teak and rice for gold, precious stones and imported goods from abroad.巨大的木驳船在河的两岸巡行,用运载的柚木和稻米来交换黄金、宝石和从国外进口的商品。

8.The merchandise(cargos) depvery can between office, department stores, Flagship store, transport company and other locations.负责货物从办公室、仓库、店铺或货运公司及其它地方之间的运输。

9.all the cargos are now at the dock. the loading will start today and vessel starts saipng on friday.所有的货现在已经在码头了,今天开始装船,礼拜五开船。

10.Is there documented procedure about the posting, replacing, recording and tracing of seals used on containers and cargos?有关于张贴,取代,记录和追溯用在集装箱和货车上的封条的程序?。