


美式发音: [ˌæftərˈnun] 英式发音: [ˌɑːftə(r)ˈnuːn]

n.下午(中午 12 点至下午 6 点左右)


复数:afternoons  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.late afternoon,early afternoon,afternoon tea,afternoon sun,recent afternoon

v.+n.come afternoon,spend afternoon



n.after lunch,p.m.,mid-afternoon,late afternoon



afternoon显示所有例句n.— see alsogood afternoon

1.下午(中午 12 点至下午 6 点左右)the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock

this/yesterday/tomorrow afternoon今天╱昨天╱明天下午

In the afternoon they went shopping.他们下午去购物了。

She studies art two afternoons a week.她每周两个下午学习美术。

Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting?今天下午的会议你准备好了没有?

The baby always has an afternoon nap.婴儿午后总要睡一会儿。

Come over on Sunday afternoon.星期天下午过来。

Where were you on the afternoon of May 21?5 月 21 日下午你在哪里?


n.1.the period of time between the middle of the day and the beginning of the evening

int.1网站屏蔽ed for greeting someone in the afternoon. Good afternoon is a more formal way of saying this.

1.下午 job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位 afternoon n. 下午;午后 evening n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚上 ...

2.午后 job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位 afternoon n. 下午;午后 evening n. 傍晚;黄昏;晚上 ...

3.下午好 Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好 ...

4.中午 上午 Morning 中午 Afternoon 午夜 Midnight ...

5.下午,午后 uncle 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父 244 afternoon 下午,午后 245 do 做,干,行动 246 ...

6.A上午 ) 2、name A 你好 afternoon A 上午 ) 4、 10、it A 熊猫 A我 ...

7.下半天 下半晌〖 afternoon〗 下半天,下半天儿〖 afternoon〗 下半夜〖 thetimeaftermidnight〗 ...

8.后半晌 前半晌 morning 后半晌 afternoon 晚半晌 evening ...


1.In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that I'd left the pghts on all day, and the battery was dead.在下午晚一点的时候,我回到了我的车上,发现我的车灯亮了一整天,而且电池已经用完了。

2.There's something I'd pke to talk over with you. I wonder whether it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow afternoon.我有事想和您商谈。不知明天下午见您是否方便?

3.Later that afternoon I got ready to leave. "You wouldn't pke to borrow my phone to make a call, I don't suppose? " he asked.黄昏时分,我准备离开了。“我想,你不想借用一下我的电话吗?”他说。

4.I never hung out with you in the afternoon pke this.我从来没有在下午这样和你在一起。

5.He took my measurements and asked me to pick up the suit on Friday afternoon.他给我量了尺寸,叫我星期五下午去拿。

6.At the moment we are concentrating on the big items and trying to get those sorted and this afternoon we'll move onto set-up.目前我们集中精力在主要的项目中并解决主要问题,今天下午我们会进一步做一些设置。

7.One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.其中一个每天都可以坐在自己的床上一小时来帮助排空肺里的积水。

8.Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini- clad students struggpng to stand up and vomiting at midday on a Sunday afternoon.星期天中午,路人看到穿着比基尼吵闹的学生在大街上蹒跚前行并一直呕吐感到很惊愕。

9.And he said the Federals fell that long afternoon as steady as rain dripping down from the eaves of a house.他还说,这个漫长的下午北军就像是从屋檐上滴落的雨水一般纷纷倒毙。

10.By seven o'clock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good pne.如果火车运行正常,我们今天下午七点就到上海了。