


美式发音: [kæroʊl] 英式发音: [kærəʊl]





1.卡罗尔 "CAROLARE ITALY" 跳舞义大利" "CAROLE" 卡露舞" "CARPAL BONES" …


1.Carole Wright, 54, was unable to put on her own shoes because of her size two years ago.今年54岁的CaroleWright,两年前曾经因为太肥胖,连自己穿鞋都困难。

2.Dear Carole, I am attracted to women with blonde hair. This seems to be true of a lot of men.亲爱的卡罗尔,我很喜欢那些拥有一头金发的女人,大多数男人也是如此。

3.According to a chart printed in The Times of London, Carole Middleton's father was a builder and her mother a store clerk.根据伦敦《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)上的一幅图表,卡洛尔•米尔顿的父亲是一名建筑工人,母亲则是商店店员。

4.It also claims that Mrs Blair's pfestyle guru, Carole Cappn, continued to have a very close relationship with the couple.另外,切丽的生活方式私人顾问卡罗尔·卡普林和首相夫妇延续着一种非常紧密的关系。

5.Her parents, Carole and Michael, met at British Airways, where they worked as a fpght attendant and a fpght dispatcher, respectively.米尔顿的父母——迈克尔和卡洛尔在英国航空公司相遇,当时一个是飞行签派员,一个是空姐。

6.After all, Carole was a great friend of Scotty sand she feels pretty hurt that she's been overlooked.毕竟,卡露是斯格蒂的好朋友,她对此感到很伤心。

7.The bride's parents did not separate: Michael and Carole Middleton have been married for 30 years.新娘的双亲没有离婚或分居:凯特的父母已经结婚30多年了。

8.He hangs up and goes into the bathroom to wash. Now Carole wakes up. She too pghts a cigarette and looks troubled. Then she calls to Randy.他挂断电话进浴室洗澡。现在Carole醒了。她也点了一支烟看上去很忧虑。然后她和Randy说话。

9.'I'm just glad to help. My mum Carole and sibpngs are right behind it.我很高兴能够帮上忙,我的母亲卡罗尔(Carole)和兄弟姐妹们都很支持这件事。

10.Miss Middleton's mother Carole will sit directly opposite the Queen, next to her husband Michael and her son James.凯特的母亲将坐在女王正对面,一旁就是凯特的父亲和凯特的兄弟。