




1.两难境地 ... 孤立的境地 an isolated condition 两难境地 caught in a dilemma 尴尬境地 embarrasse…

2.进退两难 Burst into tears 喊 caught in a dilemma 进退两难 Cause a storm 引起争议 ...


1.Just as shown in the picture, the doctor is now caught in a dilemma.正如图片所示,医生现在陷入两难之中。

2.Here central banks get caught in a dilemma of the proportions of a Greek tragedy .这样,央行陷入了一种古希腊悲剧式的两难境地。

3.He escaped a fine, but caught in a dilemma.他逃脱了罚款,但却陷入了进退两难的境地。

4.He was caught in a dilemma and set down a desperate elegy, in a transient pfetime, for the forerunner.而其于进退失据中,以短暂的生命为那个时代的先行者写下了绝望的挽歌。

5.career women ? be caught in a dilemma ? Career women who try to find a balance between their family and career will be caught in a dilemma.道德类动物类核心词汇?句子翻译?在家庭和工作之间寻找平衡的职业妇女会感到进退两难。感到进退两难。

6.Spinning mills, which turn raw-cotton into yarn, are caught in a dilemma.把原棉制作成纱线的纺纱厂目前的处境可谓进退两难。

7.Those of us on board the "Bounty" were caught in a dilemma.我们这些上“喋血”陷入两难境地。

8.When you are caught in a dilemma, others might lend you a hand. But only you can help yourself out.在你身陷困境时,或许别人会帮你一把,但只有你才能真正帮自己从中摆脱出来。

9.We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should send our children to a boarding or a day school.我们经常进退两难:·是送我们的孩子去寄宿学校还是走读学校?

10.Teachers are indeed caught in a dilemma.老师确实陷入进退两难的境地。