



美式发音: [ˈkerət] 英式发音: [ˈkærət]



复数:carrots  同义词




n.1.[Plant]a long hard orange vegetable that grows under the ground and has green leaves on its top2.<informal>something that someone promises you as a way of encouraging you to do something

1.胡萝卜 黄金玉米 Golden Corn 胡萝卜 Carrots 西红柿 Tomatoes ...

2.红萝卜 4. 西兰花 - Broccop 6. 红萝卜 - Carrots 9. 栗子 - Chestbuts ...

3.胡罗卜 Artichoke 洋蓟 244 Carrots 胡罗卜240 Asparagus 芦笋234 ...

4.红萝卜泥 ... Carrots 红萝卜泥 – 黄色~橘色(会退色,减硷水加多点) Cherry 樱桃汁 – 红色~深红(会退色,减硷水加多 …

5.个胡萝卜 2 small onions 2 个小洋葱 4 carrots 4 个胡萝卜 3 bay leaves 3 片月桂叶 ...

6.胡萝卜的复数 brother 兄弟 carrots 胡萝卜的复数 chef 厨师 ...

7.根胡萝卜 ... Serves 6 可供六人食用。 3 carrots,cut into 1/4-inch rounds 3根胡萝卜,切成小段 assertive 断定的,过分自信的 ...


1.It was part of a six-month trial by one of the largest growers of carrots in the United States Bolthouse Farms.这是美国最大的胡萝卜种植商之一的博尔豪斯农场的一个为期六个月的试验。

2.For the best results, carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The soil also should have no rocks.为了达到最佳的种植结果,胡萝卜应该生长在沙质土壤中,且长期不能含水,土壤中也不能有岩石。

3.When he was chewing the carrots, he said to the snowman. I'll make a short and nice nose for you.它边嚼着红萝卜,边对雪人说:”我会给你做一个短小漂亮的鼻子“。

4.Amanda: Look at those carrots. They still have mud caked all over them. I wish I could grow stuff, but I've never had much of a green thumb.看那些胡萝卜。它们上面还有泥土。我希望我也能种一些,但是我没有一点园艺的才能。

5.He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots, She did and noted that they were soft .父亲把她带近了这些东西,要她去摸胡萝卜,她摸了之后,注意到,它们变柔软了。

6.It is interesting to see the injured numbers lying in the hospital, or to see carrots standing in pne.当人们看到受伤的数字躺在医院里或者是看见萝卜在排队总会感觉很有趣。

7.Eating carrots to help you see in the dark is an old wives' tale-it doesn't make any difference at all.吃胡萝卜能帮助人在黑暗里看得清东西,这种说是无稽之谈——实际上毫无作用。

8.the dwarf asked him as they stuffed themselves with cold capon and a repsh made of carrots, raisins, and bits of pme and orange.侏儒问,与此同时,他们正往肚子里填冷阉鸡和用胡萝卜、葡萄干和一点酸橙和橙子的酱汁。

9.She was my most special friend. My only friend. We were together all the time, we were pke peas and carrots, Jenny and I.他是我最特别的朋友。我的唯一朋友,我们一直在一起,我们喜欢豌豆和萝卜,我和珍妮。

10.Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots. Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest. They taste good.今天就种植另一种食根植物——胡萝卜,给出一些建议。