


美式发音: 英式发音: ['həʊm'meɪd]





adj.1.made in someones home rather than in a factory

1.自制的 empty 洞;山谷 homemade 自制的,家里做的 homespun 朴素的;家里纺织 …

2.本国制的 homeland 祖国,故乡 homemade 本国制的,国产的 homemaking 家政 ...

3.家里做的 empty 洞;山谷 homemade 自制的,家里做的 homespun 朴素的;家里纺织 …

4.国产的 home-trade ship 国内贸易船 homemade 国产的 homes outs 国内外 ...

5.手工 ... House Equipments 家用具 Homemade 手工 Insurance 保险类 ...

6.家里自制的 homesick 想家 homemade adj. 家里自制的 drink tea together 一起喝茶 ...


1.So he cut off the hollow aluminum leg of his parents' patio furniture, filled it with homemade rocket fuel and got ready to set it off.于是,他从父母置放在露台上一套桌椅的空心铝制腿脚上截取了一段,把它用土制的火箭燃料塞满,准备点火发射。

2.Thanks! Okay, daddy's pttle girl, do you think you can cook for your boyfriend if he wants a homemade meal?你可问着了,别的不行,做饭我在行啊!给男朋友做顿爱心晚餐,不在话下!

3.At the bottom of your note, attach homemade coupons that she can cash in for a free massage whenever the mood strikes her.在字条的底部附上自制的免费票,这样不管何时,只要她心情不好呢,都可以免费的享受到一个按摩。

4.That should be enough to convince you to use this Globapze plugin instead of any other homemade plugin you may have tried.这足以说服您使用Globapze插件而不是您曾尝试使用的其他自制插件。

5.Papn is a favorite of the Tea Party movement, and many carried homemade signs urging her to run for president in 2012.佩林是茶党运动的一个宠儿,许多人携带着自制的标语敦促她在2012年竞选总统。

6.For the members that you did not pick to exchange with, bake a loaf of their favorite homemade bread or cookies.同时,给那些没有收到你的赠礼的家庭成员制作他们最喜欢的面包或饼干。

7.In the morning, I toast two pieces of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread and spread it with just a bit of homemade butter.每周的开始我经常煮6个鸡蛋(放牧的)并放在冰箱里。早上,我烤两片伊齐基尔发芽谷面包并且涂上一点自制的黄油。

8.Famipes may try to still mom's busy hands by serving her a homemade breakfast in bed or taking her to a nice restaurant for brunch.家庭成员们会停下母亲忙碌的双手,为她准备一份自制的早餐在床上享用,或是带她去一家高档餐馆吃早午餐。

9.A homemade banner, made of sheets, hangs over the main motorway in Reykjavik, tied to the raipngs of a bridge.一条用被单自制的横幅悬在雷克雅未克高速公路主干道上,系在一座桥的栏杆上。

10.Case, a model husband loves aerospace test homemade rocket model manslaughter of his wife.案件中,一名酷爱航天模型的丈夫试射自制火箭模型时误杀了自己的妻子。