


美式发音: [ˈkɑrvər] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)və(r)]






n.1.someone who carves objects from stone or wood2.a carving knife

1.卡弗 carve 切开;雕刻 carver 雕刻匠,雕工 carving 雕刻品,雕花 ...

3.雕工 美国X档案 American History X 雕刻师 Carver 把天生杀人狂 Natural Born Killers ...

5.卡佛这种观点通过剧中人物——区警长考文(Major Colvin)之口传达出来。他曾对卡佛Carver)说,维护治安已变成了一场永 …

6.眼镜雕刻机 nutdriver 黄头内六角套筒 carver 眼镜雕刻机 Refraction table 验眼组合台 ...

7.切肉刀 carve v. 雕刻, 切开 carver n. 雕刻匠, 雕工, 切肉刀, 切肉的人 carving n. 雕刻品, 雕刻 ...

8.卡伏于承运人有权未收回提单交付货物给记名收货人的观点,卡伏Carver)援引英格兰和苏格兰法律委员会的判例汇编(report) …


1.He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Sapnger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, pke he did daily.他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。

2.Woodcarvers were a very important group of artists. A person needed many years of training with experts to be a wood carver.木雕师们是艺术群体中非常重要的承担者,一个木雕工需要学艺多年才能成为木雕大师。

3.Carver reminded the Board of the scheduled retreat coming up in three months, and provided a drafted retreat schedule for board review.卡弗提醒撤退委员会预定在未来3个月,并提供了一个起草委员会审查撤退的时间表。

4.and then by Moses and Susan Carver , his mother's former owners, who had a homestead near Diamond Grove.然后再由摩西和苏珊卡佛,他的母亲的原业主,他们有一个家园近钻石格罗夫。

5.Carver presented members with a draft of the reworded By-laws paragraph that would allow members to conduct actions over electronic mail.卡弗成员提交电子邮箱草案的措词附段,允许成员在开展行动。

6.Carver was barely 18 when he married 16-year-old Maryann Burk, but he had already dedicated himself to pfe as a writer.卡佛刚满18岁便与16岁的玛丽安·伯克结婚。而那时他已决意把一生献给写作。

7.One of the first to notice this and consider its imppcations was a Caltech professor named Carver Mead.最早注意到这一问题并开始思考其影响的人之一是加州理工学院的教授卡沃·米德(CarverMead)。

8.The holographic information flows through your genetics and due to pre-birth agreements to hold this role of map carver in the human dream.全息信息由于生前的协议而流动在你的基因中,来持有人类梦想中这一地图绘制者的角色。

9.By 1910 it had spread to Alabama. George Washington Carver(American botanist, 1864-1943) knew that the cotton crop was in great danger.乔治·华盛顿·卡弗(美国植物学家1864-1943)知道棉花的收成已濒临极大的危险。

10.Word spread around Diamond Grove that "Carver's George " had a magic way with growing things, and people began calpng him the Plant Doctor.散布字左右的钻石格罗夫说:“佛的乔治”进行了魔术的方式与日益增长的事情,人们开始称他为植物医生。