




1.拉普拉塔河雕像 pland/umo 9 鞋底 plata 6 扁;平,平坦 plej 1 最 ...

3.钱 请帮助/救命 Ayuda Plata 我须要 Necesito ...

4.激安通贩 ... CASIO BABY-G " 防心碎" 广告款 白金 PLATA 激安通贩 SPUR 2009 年 03月号 原300 加送面 …


1.When he was 11 Suarez was invited to a national youth training camp in La Plata, Argentina, but was forced to turn down the offer.当他11岁的时候,苏亚雷斯被邀请参加一个在阿根廷拉普拉塔举办的全国性青少年足球训练营,但他不得不拒绝了那次邀请。

2.Bring his head on a plata, say thanks for the dream you shattered, don't tell me it doesn't matter and its only a game.把他的头就一普拉塔说,感谢您的梦想破灭,不告诉我不要紧,和其唯一的一场比赛。

3.Initially working with oil as a medium, she switched to powdered coffee after seeing a painting with a signature signed in coffee.Plata最初利用油彩作画,但她看到了一幅用咖啡署名的画作时,她转而用咖啡粉作画。

4.Finally, the Rio de la Plata deposits nitrogen and iron-laden sediment into the ocean just north of the area shown in the image.最后,拉普拉塔河把氮素和富含铁质的沉淀物搬运到在图中所示地域以北的海洋。

5.In Mar del Plata, a beach each has its own name, many private territory, only to open an individual or member of the club.在马德普拉塔,每一片沙滩都有自己的名字,有不少是私人领地,只对个人或俱乐部成员开放。

6.Plata was a preschool teacher with a psychology degree before she dabbled in painting almost eight years ago.8年前,当她尚未涉足绘画时,她是一名拥有心理学学位的学前班老师。

7.China is involved in bidding for port and dredging operations in the construction of a new port in the city of La Plata near Buenos Aires.布宜诺斯艾利斯边陲的拉普拉塔市计划兴建一座新港口,中方亦参加了其港口建设及疏浚作业的投标。

8.APDH La Plata is an organization consisting of lawyers and volunteers from an array of poptical and educational backgrounds.拉普拉塔的APDH是一个由律师和有政治和教育背景的志愿者组成的组织。

9.The first seminar was held in La Plata city, in response to a request from a sincere local spiritual seeker.第一场讲座是应一位诚心求法的女士请求,于拉普拉大市LaPlata举行。

10.Spanish "Discover La Plata" mission is now possible to get.西班牙的“发现拉普拉塔”任务现在可以触发。