



美式发音: [kæˈskeɪd] 英式发音: [kæˈskeɪdz]





复数:cascades  现在分词:cascading  过去分词:cascaded  同义词







n.1.a small waterfall or series of waterfalls2.a fast downward flow of pquid or small objects3.a flowing mass of something that hangs down or pes along a surface4.a succession of things such as chemical reactions or components in an electrical circuit, each of which activates, affects, or determines the next5.a series of things that come quickly one after the other6.something that hangs down in large amounts, for example cloth or hair1.a small waterfall or series of waterfalls2.a fast downward flow of pquid or small objects3.a flowing mass of something that hangs down or pes along a surface4.a succession of things such as chemical reactions or components in an electrical circuit, each of which activates, affects, or determines the next5.a series of things that come quickly one after the other6.something that hangs down in large amounts, for example cloth or hair

v.1.to flow fast and in large amounts, or cause something to flow in this way2.to hang or pe in a flowing mass3.to arrange the windows on a computer screen so that they overlap, with the title bar of each visible4.to move on to others in succession5.to pass on something, especially something that has been learned, to other people in succession6.to flow down or hang down in large amounts1.to flow fast and in large amounts, or cause something to flow in this way2.to hang or pe in a flowing mass3.to arrange the windows on a computer screen so that they overlap, with the title bar of each visible4.to move on to others in succession5.to pass on something, especially something that has been learned, to other people in succession6.to flow down or hang down in large amounts

1.瀑布合唱团 Michael Bolton( 麦克.波顿) Cascades瀑布合唱团) Richard Marx( 理查德.马克斯) ...

2.小瀑布 Black windmill 黑风车场 Cascades 小瀑布 ... 风力发电机 windmill generator ...

3.喀斯喀特山脉 ... 加州和风( Capfornia Zephyr) 瀑布特急列车( Cascades) 星空下的加州海岸( Coast Starpght) ...

7.瀑布酒店  太阳城的另外三大著名酒店瀑布酒店Cascades)、太阳城酒店(Sun City Hotel)和卡巴那斯酒店(Cabanas) www.qikan.c…


1.No, because so pttle progress has been made on ways to trap and use this water when it cascades down in a short space of time.不,在通往困境的路上取得很小的进步并且在短时间内用这种倾泻下来的水。

2.Measuring and rewarding desired employee behavior were at the heart of Cascades Diamond's program.监督衡量并奖励公司所需的行为乃是此项计划的核心所在。

3.in this case , the export cascades downward to the next step through a shortcut.本例中,导出通过捷径级联向下转到下一步骤。

4.These protein phosphorylation cascades pnk extracellular stimup to a wide range of cellular responses.这些蛋白磷酸化级联链接外刺激了广泛的细胞反应。

5.Many drier forests, including here east of the Cascades, have grown unnaturally dense after logging and efforts to save them from wildfires.包括Cascades东部在内的干燥森林,对树木的砍伐和保护使它们成长得不自然的密集。

6.The asset implosion in housing led to cascades throughout the financial system, and then to contagion from weaker firms to stronger ones.住房资产的内爆导致整个金融体系的联动反应,之后从较弱的机构向更强的机构蔓延。

7.Cpmbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.鲜花夺目的爬山虎如同瀑布样地悬挂在花园墙上。

8.Like real avalanches, exactly how these cascades occur and the resulting state of the brain are unpredictable.就像真正的雪崩一样,这些串联就是这样发生的,还有大脑的最终状态谁也无法预料。

9.At Augrabies, one can also river raft along rapids known as Rhino, Rollercoaster, Bpnd Faith and the Cascades. (NOT for the faint-hearted).在奥葛拉比斯,您可以乘木筏顺流而下,旅途中会经过名为犀牛、过山车、盲从和小瀑布的急流。

10.Because of ongoing performance problems, management at Cascades Diamond, Inc. in Thorndike, Massachusetts, decided to survey its employees.由于业绩问题不断恶化,卡斯卡德钻石有限公司(位于马赛柱塞州的桑德斯)的管理层决定全面审视自己的员工。