


美式发音: [ˈmaɪdəs] 英式发音: ['maɪdəs]

abbr.(=Missile Defense Alarm System)(美国空军)导[飞]弹防御警报系统





abbr.1.(=Missile Defense Alarm System)(美国空军)导[飞]弹防御警报系统2.(=missile defence alarm satelpte)导[飞]弹防御警报卫星

abbr.1.(=Missile Defense Alarm System)2.(=missile defence alarm satelpte)

1.迈达斯 天堂牧场( Paradise Ranch) 点金神手 米达斯( Midas) 城市猎人( City Hunter) ...


5.麦达斯 Schneider OPTICS 施乃德光学(德国) MIDAS 麦达斯(英国) LEXICON 莱思康(美国) ...

6.点石成金 ... 9. Apasionada 激情 10. Midas 点石成金 11. Road to Samarkand 通往撒马尔 …

7.迈特斯 Meyer 美亚 音箱 MIDAS 迈特斯 调音台 MONTARBO 蒙特博 音箱 ...


1.Midas was overjoyed when he heard this. "I shall be the richest man in the world, " he said to himself.迈达斯听到这话,高兴极了。“我要成为世界上最富有的人,”他自言自语地说。

2.King Midas was changed at once into a golden bee. King Midas was very excited. He touched many flowers and plants and statues in the garden.国王迈达斯非常兴奋,他又触碰了很多在花园里的花朵和植物还有建筑,结果全变成了金的。

3.Midas went his way, rejoicing in his new-acquired power, which he hastened to put to the test.迈达斯高高兴兴地回家了,他对自己刚刚获得的新魔法兴奋不已,迫不及待地要试一下。

4.Midas might have been an unhappy guy, but that's probably because he didn't know any other kings who could also turn things into gold.麦得斯(译注:点石成金的那个国王)也许他其实不是一个快乐的家伙,不过这恐怕是因为他不认识有任何其它能把东西能点石成金的国王。

5.Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas now began to feel unhappy.接着,他拿起一块面包,面包也变成了金子。迈达斯开始感到不高兴了。

6.Midas was now very unhappy. He went into his palace. His eyes filled with tears, and he begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch.迈达斯这时非常伤心。他走进宫去,两眼噙满了泪水。他乞求众神除去他的点金术。

7.King Midas' greatest desire was to be the richest man in the world, and this desire filled all his thoughts.国王迈达斯极其渴望成为世界上最富有的人,这种想法时时刻刻都萦绕在心头。

8.Midas now began to feel unhappy. It was good to be the richest man in the world , but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink gold.迈达斯开始感到不高兴了,做世界上最富有的人固然好,但是他饿呀,他不能吃金子喝金子啊。

9.Midas loved flowers and kept a beautiful garden. He went into the garden to look at his flowers.迈达斯喜欢花,他有一座美丽的花园,他走进花园去赏花。

10.According to Greek legend, King Midas's barber knew his master's shameful secret: that the king had been given donkey ears by an angry god.有个希腊神话说,迈达斯国王的理发师知道他有个不光彩的秘密:国王因为激怒天神,而被赐予一对驴耳朵。