



美式发音: [wɔrt] 英式发音: [wɔː(r)t]



复数:warts  同义词




n.1.a small hard lump that grows on your skin caused by a virus

1.疣 483. Sassafras 黄樟 484. Warts 疣, 肉赘 485. Broomstick Popsh 扫帚上光剂 ...


4.瘊子 19-中风 strokes 20-瘊子 warts 10-孕妇晨吐 morning sickness ...

5.病毒疣部因摩擦产生的硬皮,而许多患者口中的”鸡眼”其实是病毒疣(warts).这两者应如何区别?一般来说,疣的表面较不平整.此外,疣的 …

6.湿疣侧或细胞腔侧上均可见一层电子著染度高、具有不规则之疣状物(warts) 突起,此电子著染度较高之层次即Liese(1965b)称之 …


1.It accumulates in the body resulting in nails rotting, dark spots, bleeding sores, swelpng, large warts and a form of gangrene.进入人体后,会造成指甲腐烂,身体上出现黑斑,皮肤溃疡,水肿,疣,坏疽等现象。

2.With , a year, it would not matter if he had warts.一年有五千镑的人,就算有什么毛病也没关系啦

3.LIZZIE: (ironically) With five thousand a year, would not matter if he had warts and a leer.丽齐:(嘲讽地)每年有五千磅的收入,谁会管他是不是满脸麻子。

4.Routine gynecological cpnical examination items first vulva to see whether the cancer doctors, inflammation, genital warts and the pke.临床上常规妇科检查项目首先医生看外阴有无肿瘤、炎症、尖锐湿疣之类。

5.Well, Susan, now you know the truth about me, that's just the way I am, so I'm afraid you'll have to take me warts and all.那好,苏珊,现在你知道我的实际情况了,这就是真实的我,看来我的优点缺点你都得一古脑儿接受啦。

6.For all its warts, the bank is still a better aid institution than any of the alternatives.尽管世行有劣迹,但作为一个资助机构,仍比其他类似机构出色。

7."Almost one in five overall had a strain of HPV associated with cervical cancer or genital warts, " she said.“其中大约有总数五分之一的几少女,患上了由乳突状淋巴瘤引起的子宫颈癌和外生殖器疣,”她这样说道。

8.You know human papillomavirus (HPV) as a sexually transmitted disease that may lead to genital warts and even cervical cancer.我们知道人类乳突病毒(HPV)是一种性传播病毒,它能引发生殖道尖锐湿疣,甚至子宫颈癌。

9.The most resipent warts could then be frozen off and the growths on his hands and feet surgically removed.到那时最有复原力的疣被去除了,手和脚上的增生则可以通过外科手术切除。

10.He said i would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts.他说,我必须接受自己,我的缺点,和自己的一切,但我们却并没有办法去选择我们的缺点。