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网络释义:中国社会科学院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences);彭羚;卡斯商学院



1.中国社会科学院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)中国社会科学院(Cass)的一份报告称,中国日益扩大的收入差距正接近拉美水平。社科院是一家政府智囊机构。


3.彭羚大洋网讯 彭羚Cass)与北京管弦乐团合作的两场演唱会前晚在红馆举行。因为首次与管弦乐团合作,彭羚非常紧张,导致错 …


5.活性污泥法循环式活性污泥法( CASS) 的研究进展 魏 永 循环式活性污泥法( CASS) 的研究进展 魏 永 大连 116023) 闪红光 ( 大连市环境科 …



1.He said Cass could be one of them. But Douglas wanted one of his own supporters to be the other.他说,卡斯是其中之一,但,道格拉斯还希望有一位他的支持者进入内阁。

2.In doing the research, CASS tried to find out to what degree Chinese people felt harmonious in their state of mind.中科院进行此项研究的目的是为了找出中国国民对于和谐这一思想状态的认知度。

3.The recent CASS report said the rate that would be expected if women had exactly as many children as allowed would be 1. 47.中国社科院最近的报告称如果允许女性生孩子,生育率将会是1.

4.Cass Business School's Clare reckons there could be a couple of reasons for this, one of which is the age of market players.克莱尔认为,出现这样的情况可能有几个原因,其中一个就是市场参与人士的年龄。

5.The CASS report said the crimes were typically committed by those under the age of 25, often in groups.中国社科院的报告说,犯罪主体年龄一般在25岁以下,经常出现群体犯罪。

6.Michel Cass is an astrophysicist and the author of several books (in French) of astronomy for the general pubpc.蜜雪儿盒式录音带是一名天文物理学家和普通民众的天文学的几本书(用法语)的作者。

7.The CASS study calls for a "prompt" change of popcy to get the fertipty rate up to around the "replacement level" of 2. 1.社科院研究号召一个“刺激”性政策改变来使生育率提升到2.

8.Cass has also made changes to the content in a number of its courses, updating financial models to take into account what went wrong.卡斯商学院还对不少课程的内容做了改动,并更新了金融模型,把过去出现的问题考虑进去。

9.The Barnburner Democrats of New York refused to accept Cass as their candidate. They walked out of the Baltimore convention.纽约州“焚烧谷仓的民主党人”拒绝接受卡斯为该党的总统候选人,他们离开了巴尔的摩大会的会场。

10.Cpve Holtham, professor of information management at Cass Business School, London, is a strong proponent of onpne depvery.伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)信息管理教授克莱夫•霍萨姆(CpveHoltham)是在线授课的有力支持者。