


美式发音: [kəˈsændrə] 英式发音: [kə'sændrə]






1.(尤指无人相信的)凶事预言者a person who predicts that sth bad will happen, especially a person who is not bepeved


n.1.a person who prophesies misfortune or disaster2.[Greek Myths]a daughter of Priam, the King of Troy, she had the power of prophecy, but no one bepeved her3.[Female Name]a female given name

1.卡珊德拉 Carry 凯丽 Cassandra 卡桑德拉 Chelsea 切尔西 ...

3.卡珊卓 Carry: 凯丽, Cassandra: 卡珊多拉, Catherine: 凯瑟琳, ...

8.卡姗德拉 ... Fenris - 芬里斯 Cassandra - 卡姗德拉 Hawke - 霍克 ...


1.After talking to Cassandra for a bit I snuck out when she turned around to ask someone else something.和她简单聊了几句以后我趁她回头问别人问题的时候溜掉了。

2.'It was the phenomenon just as I had envisioned it, ' says the 41-year-old geologist, who has now become the Japanese Cassandra.41岁的地质学家宍仓正展说,这就是我以前曾预想到的自然现象。现在,他已成为了日本的灾难预言家。

3.When I told my lovely wife Cassandra I'd be electronically disappearing, she pked the idea so much, and she decided to do it too.当我告诉我可爱的妻子卡桑德拉我将在电子世界中消失24小时时,她非常喜欢这个主意,并决定参与其中。

4.He was said to BE bringing back Priam's daughter Cassandra, the prophetess, as his wife in all but name.听说他还要把普里阿摩斯的女儿预言家卡桑德拉带回家来作虽无名份却是实在的妻子。

5.Associated Press writer Cassandra Vinograd in London contributed to this report.美联社在伦敦卡桑德拉Vinograd促成了这一报告。

6.A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and my wife Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.几分钟之后,替我们照看孩子的保姆来了,于是,我和妻子卡桑德拉一起出去吃晚饭。

7.King Priam was killed. Queen Hecuba, her daughter Cassandra and her daughter-in-law Andromache were all carried into slavery.国王皮安姆被杀,赫克犹巴王后,她的女儿卡珊德拉及儿媳安德洛玛切都被充作了奴隶。

8.'He's been a Cassandra, ' said federal judge Patrick Higginbotham in Dallas, a former boss.亨利-胡之前的老板,现达拉斯联邦法官希金博特姆(PatrickHigginbotham)说他是一个灾难预言家。

9.A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。

10.Even though the Cassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting.尽管卡桑德拉的画描绘的是成年简·奥斯汀,但是面部细节还是同这幅画上少女奥斯汀非常相似的。