




1.黑武士话说黑武士Darth Vader)被他儿子,也就是天行者路克(Luke Skywalker)打败后,返回了光明面,想说跟绝地武士继续这 …

2.达斯维达黑武士,又称达斯维达Darth Vader),本名安纳金.天行者。据传是流克与小麻豆莉亚的父亲,但是没有人愿意相信。

3.达斯维德堕落成达斯维德(Darth Vader),并且点出路克的最后一位亲人就是他的孪生妹妹莉亚

4.黑武士达斯维达穿著黑武士达斯维达Darth Vader)服饰的学员瑞帕(Gary Ripper)说:「我最爱维达,他的声音、动作和力量,都是我喜爱 …

5.黑武士达斯维德这是跟著本年度2月发表的 31寸黑武士达斯维德Darth Vader)的同系列商品。JAKKS Pacific 的副总裁 泰拉哈芙德(Tara Hef…


1.When the Falcon escaped Hoth, Darth Vader made it a priority to have it captured.千年隼逃离霍斯后,维德下令,将之俘获是第一要务。

2.You can start to put the pieces together of how he got to be Darth Vader, and that's fun.你可以开始将拼图拼凑在一起,看出他是如何变成达斯·维达的,这很有趣。

3.Darth Vader: Search your feepngs. You know it to be true.达斯·维达:搜索一下你的感觉,就知道那是真的了。

4.According to Empire's "making of" book, Once Upon a Galaxy, Boba Fett's character had originally emerged from that of Darth Vader.根据《帝国反击战》的“制作”系列之一,《曾经的银河系》一书,波巴·费特的形象最初是从达斯·维达这个角色里脱离出来的。

5.Darth Vader's suit followed ancient Sith tradition, when the warriors of the dark side would adorn themselves in heavy armor.达斯·维德的服装延续了古老的西斯传统,那个时候的黑暗武士习惯披挂重型盔甲。

6.She was in the Jedi Temple the night that Darth Vader descended upon the sanctuary with a phalanx of clone troopers.当达斯·维德带领一个方阵的克隆人士兵降临圣堂时,莎克·蒂就在绝地圣殿之中。

7.Sheldon: You're far too short to be Darth Vader. At best you might be a turncoat Ewok.谢尔顿:你当达斯·维达还太矮了点,你最多也就是叛徒伊渥克[星球大战]。

8.Darth Vader's grim black attire was a pfe-support system, his labored mechanical breathing the sound of a walking iron lung.达斯·维德令人生畏的黑色服装是一套维生系统,他那吃力的机械呼吸声从步行式铁肺发出。

9."If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine, " Obi-Wan warns Darth Vader.“如果你打到了我,我会变得无比强大,强大到你无法想象。”欧比旺这样警告达斯·维达。

10.Earper this week, Darth Vader and a force of Stormtroopers marched through central London to 'face off' against the changing of the guard.在这周的早些时候,黑武士和暴风突击队在伦敦市中心的街道上游行,是为了抗议保卫人员的更换。