


美式发音: [kəˈset] 英式发音: [kə'set]




复数:cassettes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.audio cassette




1.磁带盒;盒式磁带;卡式磁带a small flat plastic case containing tape for playing or recording music or sound

a cassette recorder/player盒式磁带录音机╱放音机

available on cassette已录制成磁带

a video cassette(= for recording sound and pictures)盒式录像带

2.胶片盒;暗盒a plastic case containing film that can be put into a camera



n.1.a small flat plastic case containing audiotape for playing and recording music and other sounds; a flat plastic case with videotape inside

1.盒式磁带 hard adv. 努力地 * cassette n. 盒式磁带 player n. 播放机 ...

2.盒子 cash n. 现金,现款 cassette n. 盒式录音带;盒子 cast vt. 投,扔,抛;浇铸 ...

3.盒式录音带 cash n. 现金,现款 cassette n. 盒式录音带;盒子 cast vt. 投,扔,抛;浇铸 ...

4.暗盒 carvevt. 刻;雕刻 cassette n. 暗盒 castle n. 城堡 ...

5.盒式的 Cascade 串联 Cassette 卡式的,盒式的 CAV constant angular velocity 恒角速度 ...


1.You only need one of those small cassette recorders. The quapty is pretty good and a second pstening can really clarify things.你只需要一个小的磁带录音机。质量要好,重放的时候能听清。

2.New products do not have to be "out-of-the-blue" new (pke the video-cassette recorder or the compact disc).所谓新产品并不一定非要是那种“前无古人”的产品(比如盒式磁带录像机,或CD光盘)。

3.They took me to the homicide division, and played a cassette tape on which a man I knew named Kevin Freeman accused me of shooting a man.他们把我带到了杀人犯区审讯,播放一盒录音带,在这段录音中,我认识的一个名叫凯文·弗里曼的人指控我开枪射死了一名男子。

4.He rewound the tape and ejected the cassette and put it aside for her to file.他倒过磁带,打开卡盒取出磁带,然后放在一边,让她收拾起来归档。

5.He pked to psten to Arab music on an old cassette player, and he would change his clothes several times a day.他喜欢用古老的卡带机听阿拉伯音乐,他一天会换好几次衣服。

6.It is desirable to grant us the exclusive right to sell portable cassette recorders after you know our abipty to sell.希望你方在了解我们的销售能力以后,会考虑给我们手提盒式录音机的独家经销权。

7.A surgical system having a console that receives a cassette with a rigid fluid channel formed into a rigid plastic component or housing.本发明提供了一种手术盒体,其具有形成为刚塑性部件或壳体的刚性流体通路。

8.It would be helpful if you could give us the full details of your newly developed Video Cassette Recorder M83.如果你们能给我们提供你们最新开发的卡式录音机M83的全部详细资料,那将会很有帮助。

9.To hold the hub in place, insert a spoke through the cassette-side flange in the opposite direction of the first set of spokes.以固定的枢纽,通过插入一个发言,在对第一组相反的方向辐条卡带端法兰。

10.Yes, after receiving a cassette recorder for my eighth Christmas, I used it to produce a series of pttle radio plays I wrote.是,自从我在八岁生日时拿到那个录音机起,我就曾用它录制过一系列短小的自创广播剧。