


美式发音: [kæst] 英式发音: [kɑːst]



复数:castes  同义词

n.class,social group,standing,background,social order



1.[c](印度教的四大)种姓any of the four main divisions of Hindu society, originally those made according to functions in society

the caste system种姓制度

high-caste Brahmins高级种姓婆罗门

2.[c](尤指禁止其他等级成员进入的)社会阶层,社会等级a social class, especially one whose members do not allow others to join it

the ruling caste统治阶层

3.[u]社会等级制度the system of dividing society into classes based on differences in family origin, rank or wealth


n.1.one of the traditional social classes that people were born into in Hindu society, or the system of having these classes2.a group of people who have the same social or professional status

1.种姓 family life 家庭生活 caste 社会地位 generation 代 ...

4.社会等级 cascade n. 小瀑布 caste n. 社会等级,等级 castigate v. 惩治,严责 ...

5.等级制度 Nike 胜利女神 caste “卡死他”  → 等级制度 frugal “腐乳就够了” →  节俭的 ...

6.阶级 它是一种社会阶级, 决定了职业和社会地位. 其实种性(caste)一词的原意是颜色. (这样说, 或许很多人就明白为何白印多是高阶 …


1.Poverty is often both cause and consequence of norms and discrimination that build on race, caste or gender.对于种族、阶级和性别基础之上的规范和歧视来说,贫困既是因又是果。

2.So, what each one of us can do is to be non-communal: We can cease to be Brahmins, cease to belong to any caste or to any country.因此,我们个人能做的就是成为非地方自治主义者:我们不再是婆罗门、不属于任何等级或国家。

3.The Warrior Caste sent men to patrol the road, and thought the matter settled.战士阶级的人派出了一些人去道路上巡逻,并且认为事情已经得到解决。

4.Rao also warns the caste census may be just as vulnerable to corruption as the rest of the Indian political system.拉奥还警告说,种姓普查或许也像印度其它政治体系一样容易腐败。

5.And to root out of his mind the idea of caste superiority, he cleaned a pariah's house with his long and neglected hair.为了发现自己头脑内是否有种姓优越感的想法,他用长长的,被忽视的头发清理一个贱民的房间。

6.The ancient caste system was the most obvious symbol of this idea. But it had many subtler expressions, too.古老的社会制度是这个观念最明显的表征,但它也同时展现在许多细微的地方。

7.Caste politicians are not alone in arguing that this makes a nonsense of the system.种姓主义政客不无讥讽地称这一制度毫无意义。

8.On the rise is a legion of regional and caste-based parties that do not even pretend to be guided by the national interest.冉冉上升的是一些地区性和基于种性的政党,这些党甚至连装作以国家利益为指针也不屑。

9.Dalits, who were formerly known as Untouchables because of their low caste status, are sometimes referred to abusively as chuhra and chamar.达利特因为自身的低种姓地位以前被认为是“不可接触者”,有时也被辱骂成贱民。

10.At the bottom of this caste system, as before, are the shareholders, who get any leftovers.在这个系统的底部,股东和以前一样只有最后的求偿权。