




1.卡斯特罗) Cheesecake Factory位在Macy's百货的八楼, maru照相的这个电梯就 …


1.Rodriguez said Castro is an illegal immigrant and that he gave investigators a confession that imppcated himself in the girl's death.罗德里格斯说,卡斯特罗是非法移民,而他自己向警方招供与女孩的死亡有关。

2.Officials at the TV station which interviewed her said Miss Castro continued to help the CIA after she arrived in the US.采访卡斯特罗小姐的电视台官员说,在到达美国之后,她继续帮助CIA。

3.Castro stuck out his hand and I shook it, the first President to do so in more than forty years.卡斯特罗伸出手来,我也握住他的手,这是40多年来首位美国总统这样做。

4.Raul Castro hailed Mr Carter as an "honest man" and said the visit had helped address "common problems" .罗尔卡斯特洛称卡特先生为“诚实的人”,称他的到访有助于解决双方“共同问题”

5.Such scenes were repeated across the island as Mr Castro embarked on a week-long triumphal march to Havana.卡斯特罗先生带领大军向哈瓦那进行长达一周的胜利行军的途中,这样的场景反复地在眼前重演。

6.The long and extraordinary poptical career of Fidel Castro is over - at least as far as the presidency is concerned.菲德尔·卡斯特罗漫长而卓越的政治生涯结束了--至少,他不再担任古巴最高领导人。

7.Castro hated the group and the leaflets critical of him that it had dropped over Havana in the past.卡斯特罗仇恨这个组织和这个组织过去在哈瓦那撒下的批评他的传单。

8.But Mr Castro stopped trying to overthrow Latin American governments more than two decades ago, shortly before his Soviet sponsor collapsed.但卡斯特罗已于20多年前停止了对拉美政府的颠覆活动,之后不久苏联就土崩瓦解了。

9.Castro cannot be reasonably expected to renounce his bepefs or imppcate himself in kilpngs or atrocities.期望卡斯特罗宣布放弃他的信仰或者承认自己卷入杀戮和暴乱行为是不合理的。

10.Castro said there was a chance for negotiations now that the White House had toned down Bush-era hostipty towards Havana.卡斯特罗说,既然白宫已经缓和了布什任内那种敌视古巴的姿态,现在存在谈判的机会。