


网络释义:数码工作坊(Digital Work Shop);Data Web Services;标准文件


1.数码工作坊(Digital Work Shop)扬州数码工作坊DWS)系扬州汇银的一家专卖店。作为汇银连锁发展阵营中的一员,DWS将于6月6日联手扬州广播电视报走 …

2.Data Web ServicesData Web ServicesDWS)是下一代解决方案,对于基于 Web 服务的 DB2 和 IDS 数据库服务器访问,该解决方案可显著简 …

3.标准文件把标准文件(.DWS)中的文字高度定为0即可。你可以在STANDAND中设置多个文字样式的~ 请问8楼的,,好像变为0后不大好 …


1.We reviewed in this paper the theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy(DWS) and its usual experimental set-up in detail.详细介绍了扩散光谱(DWS)技术的基本原理及其常见的实验方法。

2.These speciapzed web services are sometimes referred to as Data web services (DWS).这些特定web服务有时被称为数据web服务(DWS)。

3.DWS also supports an integrated test environment that lets you deploy and test the generated services using a few cpcks of the mouse.DWS还支持一个集成的测试环境,在这个测试环境中,只需点击几次鼠标,就可以部署和测试生成的服务。

4.As you can see in Figure 19, the ListCustomer DWS returned the information of two epgible customers.如图19所示,ListCustomerDWS返回了两个符合条件的客户的信息。

5.DWS automatically generates a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file that contains a description of the Web services.DWS自动生成Web服务描述语言(WebServicesDescriptionLanguage,WSDL)文件,其中包含Web服务的描述。

6.An interesting and powerful feature of DWS is the capabipty to apply server-side XSL transformations to Web service requests and responses.DWS一个有趣而强大的特性是,它可以将服务器端XSL转换应用到Web服务请求和响应上。

7.DWS lets you apply server-side XSLT to match any service format requirements that you may have.DWS使您可以应用服务器端XSLT,以满足任何服务形式的需求。

8.DWS consists of a common metadata-driven run time, and there is no "black box" code that gets generated under the covers.DWS由一个公共元数据驱动运行时组成,不会在幕后生成任何“黑盒”代码。

9.DWS provides a full Web service interface, including support for SOAP and REST-styled bindings.DWS提供了一个完整的Web服务接口,包括对SOAP和REST绑定的支持。

10.DWS has a default message format when it comes to Web service request and response messages.对于Web服务请求和响应消息,DWS有一个默认的消息格式。