


美式发音: [ˈkæʒuəlti] 英式发音: ['kæʒuəlti]



复数:casualties  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.become casualty

adj.+n.heavy casualty


n.injured person,fatapty,loss,victim,sufferer



1.[c](战争或事故的)伤员,亡者,遇难者a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident

road casualties交通事故伤亡人员

Both sides had suffered heavy casualties(= many people had been killed) .双方都伤亡惨重。

2.[c]受害者;毁坏物;损坏物a person that suffers or a thing that is destroyed when sth else takes place

She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work(= she lost her job) .她成了裁减兼职工作的受害人。

Small shops have been a casualty of the recession.小商店在经济萧条中深受其害。

3.[u]急诊室the part of a hospital where people who need urgent treatment are taken

The victims were rushed to casualty.受伤者被迅速送往急救室。


n.1.someone who is injured or killed in an accident or miptary action2.someone or something that is damaged or suffers as a result of something else3.an emergency room in a hospital

1.伤亡 Medical Student 医科学生 Casualty 伤亡 Longfellow 朗费罗 ...

2.伤亡人员 carve vt. 雕刻;切割,切开 casualty n. 伤亡人员;受害人;损失的东 西 category n. 种类,类别 ...

3.受害者 carve/ vt. 刻,雕刻;切开 casualty/ n. 伤亡,受害者 category/ n. 种类,类目;范畴 ...

4.事故 casual 偶然的 casualty 事故;灾难 occasion 发生;时机 ...

5.急诊室 沉默的证人/ Silent Witness 急诊室/ Casualty 惊天战神/ Immortals ...

6.伤亡者 casual 偶然的 casualty 伤亡事故;伤亡者 catalog 目录;系列 ...

7.伤亡人数 目击者 witness 伤亡人数 casualty 人为因素 human factors ...

8.意外 casual adj. 随便的;非正式的 casualty n. 意外 cataclysm n. 洪水,大灾难 ...


1.For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U. S. , might be one more casualty of war.一时间,高楼大厦似乎成了战争的又一种牺牲品,至少美国是这样。

2.A FLEC commander said the Togolese team was not targeted in the attack but was a casualty of the war.卡宾达海外领地解放阵线的一位指挥官说,此次突袭的目标并非多哥足球队,他们只是战争的牺牲品。

3.The TED conference could have been a casualty of all that turmoil.TED本来会在这些混乱当中遭殃的。

4.It has questioned the patriotism of any critics. It has even locked up three of the doctors who revealed some of the casualty figures.它质疑任何批评家的爱国心,甚至关押了透露一些伤亡人数的三名医生。

5.Conspiracy theories abound; in missed market opportunities, as in war, truth is often the first casualty.阴谋论四起;如同在战争中一样,遇到失去的市场机遇,真相往往成为第一个伤亡者。

6.It's easy to chalk Bryant up as a casualty of hype, because he does have flaws in his game that are easily exposed under scrutiny.人们轻易地就将科比定格为不定因素多多的那一类,围观者一多,他在比赛中缺陷确实就会有所暴露。

7.It would be most unfortunate if this important flow of diplomatic information were a casualty of WikiLeaks' crusade for free information.假如在维基解密为信息自由而进行的斗争中,重要的外交信息流通沦为受害者,那将是最大的不幸。

8.In North America, the fire casualty records of wood-frame houses is similar to that of non combustible apartment buildings ?在北美,木结构房屋的火灾伤亡记录和不燃材料房屋建筑的火灾伤亡记录是相当的。

9.The ISO is a national rating and service organization to which a substantial number of the leading property and casualty insurers subscribe.保险服务公司是一家全国性费率厘定和为大量的行业领先的财产保险公司服务的机构。

10.If the casualty is unconscious but breathes normally , place him in a recovery position .如触电者人事不省,但呼吸正常,则把他置于复原卧式。