


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.第一手的;直接的obtained or experienced yourself

to have first-hand experience of poverty亲身体验贫穷


adv.1.in a direct way from someone who is involved in something; in a direct way by doing something yourself

adj.1.obtained directly from someone who is involved in something; gained by doing something yourself

1.第一手的 可缓存( cacheable) 第一手的first-hand) 明确过期时间( exppcit expiratio…

2.直接缓存(Cache)、可缓存(Cacheable)、直接first-hand)、明确终止时间(exppcit expiration time)、探索终止时间(he…

3.直接的 firmly ad. 坚定地,坚决地 first-hand a. 第一手的,直接的 given a. 特定的 ...

4.直接得来的 ... first-hand field experience 第一手现场经验 first-hand 直接得来的 first-in first-out method 先入先出法 ...

5.直接地 firewall (互联网)防火墙 first-hand 直接地 flame 火焰 ...



1.The popularity of sending SMS messages can be witnessed first-hand as you see mobile phone users thumbing away at their keypads.只要您看见移动电话用户的拇指在电话键盘上按动,就能够亲身体会到SMS消息的流行。

2.Donna Chu visited him in Guangzhou and filled in a part of our missing memory with valuable first-hand sources.朱顺慈专程去广州访问老人家,为我们留下了珍贵的一手资料,弥补我们缺失了的记忆。

3.I have experienced first hand how much the Chinese pke to show off. I find it extremely tacky too, but it, s how things are over there.我是直接感受过中国人如何爱炫耀的。我觉得他们真的很俗气,但这就是他们那里存在的情况啊。

4.Since it has no first-hand information, China is still studying and assessing information from all sides in a serious and prudent manner.中方不掌握第一手情况,仍在认真、慎重地研究和评估各方面信息。

5.I wanted to see how this works first-hand, so I pulled a one dollar bill out of my pocket and scrolled over to Where's George.我想看看WheresGeorge第一步是怎么工作的,于是我从口袋找出一美元,然后登录了网站。

6.He said he got the first-hand information directly from the mayor.他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。

7.Carlyon knows first hand the proper way to ride a broomstick -he said he had three, though all were grounded at the moment.卡尔扬有关于骑扫把的正确方式的亲身体验--据他说他有3把扫把,尽管它们此刻都在地上呆着。

8.Knowingly death: They heard at first hand the presence of a doctor or other person a clear declaration of his own death.明知死讯:他们亲耳听到医生或是在场的其他人明确宣告自己的死亡。

9.The fact that this was not a first hand account (hence saying: "it is also said" ) the report is dubious.这个不是第一手资料的报道(所以称之为“据说”)疑点重重。

10.It was more of a first-hand experience for May of the extent of disorder facing the popce than anyone had planned.就May得到的第一手资料看了,警方面临的骚乱远比人们想象的严重。