

catch it

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un.1.to get into trouble

1.受罚 catch hook 掣子爪, 回转爪 catch it [口]受责备, 挨骂, 受罚 catch jesse [美俚]受责骂 被殴打 ...

2.挨骂 catch hook 掣子爪, 回转爪 catch it [口]受责备, 挨骂, 受罚 catch jesse [美俚]受责骂 被殴打 ...

3.抓住它 catch hook 掣子爪, 回转爪 catch it [口]受责备, 挨骂, 受罚 catch jesse [美俚]受责骂 被殴打 ...

5.接住 Throw the ball! 扔球,抛球! Catch it接住! Review 复 习 ...

6.挨骂或受罚 blow it: 出错 catch it: 挨骂或受罚 flush it: 弄砸 ...

7.陷入麻烦而受罚 The ball is in someone's court — 某人得做出反应或采取行动 Catch it陷入麻烦而受罚 Play ball — 与某人合作 ...


1.One word lets spp and four horses will fail to catch it. A statement that once let loose cannot be caught by four galloping horses.这两种说法,中文味道嫌重,英美人未必理解。不过他们倒有类似的说法

2.Opportunity is always behind your back. You can only catch it, when you are wilpng and able to turn around.机会永远躲在你的背后,只要你转过身来就看到它了。

3.and yet the imppcation is that the train will eventually catch it up and savage it.而这里的寓意就是火车会渐渐追上它并把它碾碎。

4.I threw the bottle of pquid soap at her, and she had to catch it, reveapng herself as she did.我抛给她一瓶液体肥皂,她伸手去抓,露出了自己的身体。

5.Maple Leaf did not accompany the wind, then swing to swing ah drop down, I eye, hand to catch it quickly.枫叶没了风的伴随,便荡啊荡地落了下来,我眼疾手快,赶忙伸手接住了它。

6.Life is all memory, except for the present moment that goes by so quick you hardly catch it going---Tennessee Wilpams, American playwright.除了快速溜走、难以抓住的此时此刻,生命都是记忆----田纳西.威廉姆斯,美国剧作家。

7.Smipng is infectious You catch it pke the flu. When someone smiled at me today I started smipng too.笑是能传染的就像流感一样。有人对我笑笑我也就笑了。

8.Jimmy caught cowpox and soon got better, but later when he came near people who had smallpox he did not catch it, though other people die.吉米感染了牛痘并且很快就痊愈了。后来,他接触天花患者却不被感染,即使有的人都因患天花而死去。

9.That said, this is often one of the most beautiful months of the year, with soft, low pght and warmth in the sun when you can catch it.也就是说,这常常是一年中最美好的月份之一,当你能晒到太阳的时候,享受着柔和的,光线不足的,温暖的阳光。

10.Look out for the Dragon and catch it in its path and savour the new freshness and breath of its wines.注意龙的活动,在路上把龙抓住,品尝龙牌葡萄酒的新鲜和美味。