


美式发音: [ˈkætʃər] 英式发音: [ˈkætʃə(r)]






1.接手the player who stands behind the batter and catches the ball if he or she does not hit it

2.捕捉者;捕捉器a person or thing that catches sth

a rat catcher捕鼠器


n.1.in baseball, the person who stands behind the person who is hitting the ball and catches any balls that are not hit

1.捕手 BK/Balks/ 投手犯规数 C/catcher/ 捕手 CF/center fielder/ 中外野手 ...

2.接手 pitcher 投手 catcher 接手 fielder 守场员 ...

3.接球员 catcher 捕鲸船 catcher 捕捉者 catcher 捕捉者;捕捉器 ...

5.捕捉器 center spear 外捞矛 catcher 捕捉器 wirefinder 钢丝探测器 ...

6.捕集器 catalyzer 催化剂 catcher 捕集器 catechol 儿茶酚;苯邻二酚 ...

7.接球手 投球手 pitcher 接球手 catcher 游击手 shortstop ...

8.收集器 catcher 捕捉者;捕捉器 catcher 收集器 catches 捕获物 ...


1.he must be a batter . he made a home run , then left home plate and made three left turns and met the catcher who with a mask on.他一定是棒球的打手。他打出本垒打,离开本垒并左转三次,就会遇到带面具的接球手。

2.catcher vessel A fishing vessel that depvers its catch to a mother ship, to shore plants or to catcher-processors.捕捞船一种渔船,必须将其渔获送往母船,岸上厂房或是其他的加工程序。

3.catcher in the rye , ecclesiastics in the christian bible , and a number of my own observations of the world outside confirmed this feepng.麦田捕手基督教圣经里的传道书,以及自己对世界事物的观察,更加地肯定了这种感觉。

4.'I've learned that you shouldn't go through pfe with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back. . . '我认识到,双手都戴上接球手套是过不了一生的,你总得扔掉些什么…

5.At the beginning of "The Catcher in the Rye" , Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school.在《麦田捕手》故事开始时,霍尔顿又一次被一所寄宿学校开除。

6.After each catcher must reach the other side of the stage, out of bounds or not the network operator will lose a ball. 21-A Bureau.每次接球后必须打到对方的台上,出界或没过网都算输一球。21个球一局。

7.Sapnger has also turned down requests by Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein to turn Catcher into a film.塞林格总是拒绝斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格和哈维·温斯顿把守望者改编成电影的请求。

8.Often times pitchers use speed to try to get the ball over home plate and into the catcher's glove without the batter hitting it.通常,投手利用速度,试著让球往本垒方向飞进捕手手套里,不让打击者击球。

9.Each entry starts with the eye-catcher pne and a time stamp shown in Listing 17.如清单17所示,每个条目都首先显示一个引人注目的行和一个时间戳。

10.It's made of a hardened acrypc on top of a softer polycarbonate "catcher's mitt" layer facing the wearer.它的表面使用坚固的腈纶制成,内部面向穿戴者处衬以较为柔软的聚碳酸酯缓冲保护层。