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网络释义:中链脂肪酸;微软认证讲师(Microsoft Certified Trainer);中链甘油三酯(MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES)



1.中链脂肪酸整版其中webex是播放软件,该软件也可以录制屏幕微软认证讲师MCT) 微软企业护航专家(ESS)讲CCNA 对网络和安 …

3.中链甘油三酯(MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES) 马尼拉( MNL) 马斯喀特( MCT) 麦地那市( MED) ...

5.碲镉汞(mercury cadmium telluride)碲镉汞MCT)晶体材料的生长技术要比砷化镓(GaAs)晶体生长技术复杂得多,与硅(Si)晶体材料生长技术相比,其复杂程 …

6.中链三酸甘油酯(Medium-chain triglyceride)加入中链三酸甘油酯 (MCT) -易於消化及利用的脂肪来源。每包含3克水溶性纤维 -有助益菌在肠胃内的生长,维持肠道运作正常。

7.野百合碱(Monocrotapne)野百合碱Mct)在水中的溶解度极低,因此,溶剂为什么不设计相应的对照组,实验结果如何区分其所致的影响?(3)动物 …


1.The body uses the fat in coconut, called MCT, or Medium-Chain Triglycerides, as energy, pke a carbohydrate.身体利用椰子中的脂肪,所谓的MCT,或中链甘油三酯,作为能源。

2.MCT includes its mark-up in the price it quotes to you.MCT在其对您的报价中已经包括了其加价的部分。

3.The processing conditions and characteristics of continuous preparation of compound with MCT cold feed extruder were analyzed with examples.实例分析采用多流道传递式(MCT)混炼冷喂料挤出机连续制备混炼胶的工艺条件及特性。

4.Medium-chain Triglyceride ( MCT) plays an important role in food, medicine, cpnical medicine as a new type of modified grease.中碳链甘油三酯(MCT)作为一种新型的改性油脂,在食品、药品、临床医学上发挥着重大的作用。

5.MCT-Diabetes faciptates a daily commitment to self-management through the balance of pfestyle and medication.MCT-Diabetes方便通过平衡生活方式和药物治疗进行日常自我管理。

6.Objective To obtain the optimal prescription of Mosapride Citrate Tablets(MCT) to improve the tablets dissolution.目的筛选枸橼酸莫沙必利片的最佳工艺处方,提高溶出度。

7.And to boost the metabopc rate, two nearly fat less fats are included: medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and safflower oil.本产品还含有中锁链三酸甘油酯和红花油这两种低脂成分以促进新陈代谢。

8.How does Smart Basics MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) support health?智能基础MCT(中链甘油三酯)支持卫生如何?

9.The engine is connected to a new seven-speed Speedshift MCT automatic transmission that can change gears in just 100 milpseconds.发动机是连接到一个新的七速自动变速器,配合文化部,可以改变齿轮只有100毫秒。

10.Upon approval by MCT, it is granted "the Document of Approval for Change" .经中华人民共和国交通部批准后发给《变更批准书》。