


美式发音: [ˈkætʃi] 英式发音: ['kætʃi]



比较级:catchier  最高级:catchiest  同义词反义词





1.悦耳易记的pleasing and easily remembered

a catchy tune/slogan容易上口的乐曲╱口号


adj.1.if a tune or phrase is catchy it attracts your attention and is easy to remember

1.吸引人的 slogan n. 标语;口号 catchy adj. 吸引人的;使人上当的 point out 指出;使注意 ...

2.动人的 band 乐队 catchy 动人的 complex 复杂的 ...

3.朗朗上口 catchword n. 口号,流行语 catchy adj. 易记住的,易使人上当的,诡诈的 categorize v. 加以类别, …

5.使人上当的 slogan n. 标语;口号 catchy adj. 吸引人的;使人上当的 point out 指出;使注意 ...

6.易使人上当的 catchword n. 口号,流行语 catchy adj. 易记住的,易使人上当的,诡诈的 categorize v. 加以类别, …

7.容易记住的 aipng 境况不佳的 catchy 容易记住的 cornered 被逼到绝路的 ...

8.易记的 ... flair 天资、才华 catchy 易记的 nomenclature 命名法 ...


1.If the tune is catchy and the lyrics are easy to understand, people can enjoy humming along.如果歌曲好听而歌词又容易理解的话,大家比较能享受跟着哼唱的乐趣。

2.Things are often getting so bad - there was a recent article with a catchy name SOA or DOA, where DOA stands for "Dead on Arrival" .事情常常变得如此糟糕——最近有篇文章的名字非常贴切《SOA,还是DOA》,其中DOA代表“死亡之旅(DeadonArrival)”。

3.Catchy red signs reading "Pajamas don't go out of the door; be a civipzed resident for the Expo" are posted throughout the city.上海市内的大街小巷都张贴起“睡衣睡裤不出门,做个世博文明人”的引人注目的标语。

4."The proposed new name is catchy and could be a worthwhile addition to the magnetospheric taxonomy, " she said.她说:“这个已经提出的名字非常吸引人,而且能为磁层分类学添上有价值的一员。”

5.You can hear the bands experience with every track, since the song-writing is absolutely catchy and to the point.你能听到的条带,每条轨道的经验,因为歌曲创作是绝对吸引人的点。

6.I humbly submit mine here. It may not be as catchy as some of the others, and I make no claims to originapty.我谦卑的在此介绍自己的经验,这可能不像别人讲的那样有趣动听,也并不奇特新颖。

7.Of course, it is up to you to fill your blog with fresh and catchy content.当然,这要有你去为你的博客填充上新鲜和引人入胜的内容。

8.Things that are catchy , marketable, and popular are often out of apgnment with what you really want to do.那些引人注目的,能被市场所接受的,大众化的事情常常与你真正想要做的相违背。

9.Slogans may only be catchy phrases that have nothing to do with a company's positioning strategy.广告语可能只是诱人的短句,与公司的定位策略毫无关系。

10.Even the law itself is a strange beast, which goes by the catchy name of The Bill Prohibiting Facial Dissimulation in a Pubpc Place.严重的不和以及不加掩饰的同情,使禁令法案已很难实施,甚至法案本身像个怪兽,有着一个趣味的名字《禁止在公共场所遮掩面部的法案》。