


美式发音: [ˈkeɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈkeɪtə(r)]




第三人称单数:caters  现在分词:catering  过去式:catered  同义词




1.(为社交活动)提供饮食,承办餐宴to provide food and drinks for a social event

Most of our work now involves catering for weddings.我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。

Who will be catering the wedding?谁来承办婚宴?



v.1.to provide food and drinks at an event

1.迎合 catastrophe n. 异常的灾祸 cater v. 准备,迎合,投合 cathedral n. 教堂 ...

2.投合 catastrophe n. 异常的灾祸 cater v. 准备,迎合,投合 cathedral n. 教堂 ...

3.满足 quiches n. 乳蛋饼 cater vi. 备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合 korean n. 韩国人, 朝鲜人, 韩国语, 朝鲜语 ...

4.备办食物 quiches n. 乳蛋饼 cater vi. 备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合 korean n. 韩国人, 朝鲜人, 韩国语, 朝鲜语 ...

5.迎合,投合 category n. 种类,类型;范畴 cater v. 迎合,投合;供应伙食 catheter n. 导管 ...

6.供应伙食 category n. 种类, 类型; 范畴 cater v. 迎合, 投合; 供应伙食 catheter n…

7.提供饮食及服务 buffet lunch 自助餐 cater 提供饮食及服务 Drinks drinks and snacks 饮料和零食 ...

8.投合,迎合 tip 顶,尖端,小费 cater 满足需要;投合,迎合 generosity 慷慨,大方;宽宏大量 ...


1.Heterosexual pornography seems to cater mostly for men and much of it is blatantly sexual rather than erotic.异性恋色情内容似乎迎合男性更多,其中大部分很明显只有色而没情。

2.When companies try to cater for older customers, they do not always get it right.当公司试着迎合老年客户,他们并不总是做得正确。

3.The first-quarter GDP data show just how much Japan's overall economy depends on exporters and the businesses that cater to them.第一季度的GDP数据显示出日本整体经济对出口行业以及出口相关企业的依赖程度。

4.All this, said in campus, especially the dining room of a school, so scattered distribution cater to all students of building.都说民以食为天,在学园里这点尤其突出,学校的食堂分布较分散,以便照顾到各个宿舍楼的学生。

5.As part of your bid it would be useful to understand which one you will use and how you will modify it to cater for our requirements.作为出价的一部分将有助于了解你将使用哪一个,你将如何对其进行修改以满足我们的要求。

6.This makes it a symbol for the gentleman not caring to cater to the pubpc, and also for true friendship.为了这个缘故,它便成为不与凡俗为伍的君子以及真友谊的象征。

7.Even if it was arguably a bad long-term move to cater to cpents' desires for less leverage, there was only so much Turtles could do.为了迎合客户的需求,所以要降低杠杆并长期慢慢地交易,这就是海龟唯一能做的事。

8.C's data indicated that the wall of the south pole cater was more reflective than expected.C所收集的数据显示月球南极撞击坑的表面比人们预期的更具有发射性。

9.Yet if many adults seem to have given up on virtual worlds, those that cater to children and teenagers are thriving.然而,如果说许多成年人似乎已经放弃虚拟世界,那么那些迎合儿童和青少年的虚拟世界正在兴盛起来。

10.It doesn't cater to the beginner or to the expert, but rather devotes the bulk of its efforts to satisfying the perpetual intermediate.它既不迎合新手,也不迎合专家,而是把大部分工作放在满足永久的中间用户上。