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1.林赛第5季结尾时,卢卡斯打电话给佩顿(Peyton),林德赛(Lindsey)和布鲁克(Brooke)中的一人去维加斯闪电结婚,现在看来,林 …

5.林赛炼油厂 小汉普顿 LITTLEHAMPTON 林德塞 LINDSEY 勒威克 LERWICK ...

8.林晓露 ... Lily 李钰 Lindsey 林晓露 Lopta 凌宇静 ...


1.Senator Lindsey Graham criticized Obama for acting as if "leading the free world is an inconvenience. "议员林德赛·格雷厄姆批评奥巴马似乎觉得“领导自由世界是一件麻烦的事儿”。

2.I'm trying to find that article where Dennis Lindsey says he'll always be a Rockets fan. At least we can say he's a man of his word.我正尝试找出那篇DennisLindsey曾表示他永远是火箭球迷的文章。至少我们可以说他是一个言出必行的人啊。

3.Wright, Lindsey Jennings was, by Arkansas standards, a large firm with a fine reputation and a varied practice.如果按照阿肯色州的标准,赖特、林赛和詹宁斯联合律师事务所是一个大型律师事务所,有着良好的声誉,提供各种各样的法律服务。

4.On ABC's This Week, Repubpcan Senator Lindsey Graham said the president's initial response was timid and passive.共和党参议员格雷厄姆在美国广播公司“本周”节目上说,总统起初的回应是胆怯和被动的。

5.Finally his hiking partner, Lindsey Holm, grabbed it with a pair of ppers and after several sharp tugs, yanked it free.最后,和他一起徒步的伙伴林赛.福尔摩斯用镊子夹住杵进的骨头,猛拽了多次,才把它从肌腱里拉出来。

6.Here in the United States, Repubpcan Senator Lindsey Graham said he's skeptical about the move.在美国,共和党参议员,来自南卡罗来纳的格雷厄姆说,他对这个行动表示怀疑。

7.Senator Lindsey Graham, a Repubpcan from South Caropna, said he favors arms control, but that he has concerns about New START treaty.南卡罗来纳州的共和党参议员格雷厄姆说,他支持控制核军备,但是说他对于新的战略武器削减条约存在担忧。

8.Lindsey put forward the idea that as the terrorists had dealt a blow to American confidence, the best way to counter it would be a tax cut.林赛提出,既然恐怖分子是要打击美国的信心,那么最好的应对之道就是减税。

9.Lindsey Ward fed her first child with formula, but she was determined to nurse her second.琳瑟.瓦尔德的第一胎使用配方奶喂养的,但是她决心要用母乳喂养自己的第二胎。

10.Timothy Adams is a former US Treasury undersecretary for international affairs and is managing director of the Lindsey Group.蒂莫西-亚当斯曾担任美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长,现在是林赛集团(TheLindseyGroup)的董事总经理。