




1.卡顿 Castle 城堡 Caton 金榜 Cary 加利 ...

3.知晓的 ... Casey: 警敏的 Caton知晓的 Clement: 能顺应环境的 ...

4.智慧的 Cato 贤者,智者 Caton 学识渊博,智慧的 Cavan 英俊的 ...

5.学识渊博 Cato 贤者,智者 Caton 学识渊博,智慧的 Cavan 英俊的 ...

6.纸箱 组合 Combine 纸箱 Caton 按钮 Botton ...

7.卡图 Catipna 卡提里那 Caton 卡图 Censeur 监察官 ...


1.The suspect had been on the bus about an hour and initially did not sit near the victim, Caton said.卡顿说凶犯在车上最初的一个小时内并没有坐在受害者的身旁。

2.Caton, sitting just one seat in front of the two men, said he heard no exchanges between them prior to the violence.卡顿当时坐在离行凶者与受害人的前一排,他说在行凶之前没有听见两人之间有任何对话。

3.He said the actions of truck driver, bus driver and Caton probably prevented anyone else from being hurt. They "were very brave. "他说卡车司机、巴士司机和卡顿的行为很有可能使得其他乘客避免遭到伤害,他们“非常勇敢”。

4.Caton said the attacker boarded the bus in Brandon, Manitoba, about 80 miles west of Portage La Prairie.卡顿称凶犯是在距波提普雷里大概80英里以西马尼巴托省的布兰登上车的。

5.The attacker ran at them, Mr Caton said, and they ran out of the bus, holding the door shut to prevent him getting out.袭击者朝他们冲过来,Caton说。然后他们逃出大巴,关紧了门不让凶手跑出来。

6."He sat in the front at first, everything was normal, " Caton said.“起初他坐在最前面,一切看起来很正常”。卡顿说。

7.Sonny Caton is a member of the Moriah Moravian Church, Tobago.SonnyCaton是莫利亚山摩拉维亚教会(多巴哥)的一员。

8.Ms. Caton could not stop smipng. Then, still grinning, the 18-year-old asked her next question.卡顿听着,脸上一直带着笑意。然后,这个18岁的姑娘笑嘻嘻地问了一个问题。

9.we should require companies that manufacture cars and planes to design new vehicles that produce less caton waste.我们应该要求公司制造的汽车和飞机的设计,减少制造废物的新卡顿的车辆。

10."When we came back on the bus. . . he was cutting the guy's head off and pretty much gutting him up, " Mr Caton said.“当我们回到车上的时候•••,他正在切割男子的脑袋,掏他的内脏,”Caton说。