


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɔːdeɪt]





adj.1.with a tail or an appendage like a tail

1.有尾的 caudal 尾部 caudate 有尾的 caudate nucleus 尾状核 ...

2.尾状核 Neostriatum 新纹状体 Caudate 尾状的 Putamen 核 ...

5.具尾的 cauda① 尾②尾片 caudate① 尾状的②具尾的 caudex① 主轴,茎,干②茎基 ...

6.尾叶 Insula: 岛叶 Caudate尾叶 Hippocampus: 海马 ...

7.尾脑高 被发现在下列脑部区域高 阶位置 阶位置  小尾脑(caudate):(掌管感觉 情感控制和执 行功能)  视丘[thalamus] :(造成感觉 …


1.Those cuts might be necessary, but they're aren't going to excite the caudate or generate that requisite burst of "social juice. "这些消减是必不可少的,但是他们不会使尾核兴奋起来,或者生成“社会果汁”的必不可少的喷发。

2.There was a little amount of SP fiber in the inner part of globus pallidus and outer dorsal part of caudate-putamen.同时在苍白球的内侧缘和尾壳核的近尾侧的背外侧亦有少量的SP阳性纤维呈背腹方向分布。

3.Results A great quantity of NPY-ir neurons and a small amounts of NPY-ir fibres were located in the caudate-putamen nucleus.结果NPY免疫反应阳性神经元大量分布于尾壳核,NPY免疫反应阳性纤维分布稀疏。

4.Montague noticed that whenever the caudate exhibited reduced activity, trust tended to break down.蒙特哥注意到只要尾核显示出减少后的活动,信任就会趋向中断。

5.Leaflets 5--9, spatulate, apex long caudate and with a filiform easily broken tip; sepals thick, subtlety.小叶5--9,匙形,先端长尾状并且具一容易弄断端部;萼片厚,近肉质。

6.bracts circular to rhombic-ovate, oblanceolate, apex caudate-mucronate, shorter to slightly longer than flowers, bright colored.卵形,近披针形的苞片圆到菱形,短尖的先端尾状,短在稍长于花,鲜艳。

7.lobes ovate or triangular-ovate, margin doubly and sharply incised-serrate, with acuminate teeth, apex caudate or acuminate.裂片卵形或三角状心形的,边缘重和锐裂锯齿,具渐尖齿,先端尾状或渐尖的。

8.The striatum composed of putamen and caudate nucleus is the subcortical area that contains rich dopamine projections.纹状体包括壳核和尾状核,是富含多巴胺能投射结构的皮层下结构。

9.A neurochemical called dopamine is released from the ventral tegmental area into the caudate nucleus.一种学名为多巴胺,影响神经系统的化学物质。从中脑腹侧被盖区释放,进入尾状核。

10.Dr. Brown said scientists believe that when you fall in love, the ventral tegmental floods the caudate with dopamine.布朗博士说,科学家们相信,当人们坠入爱河的时候,腹侧被盖区就会使活性尾区域充满多巴胺。