



美式发音: [rɪˈmoʊt] 英式发音: [rɪˈməʊt]


比较级:remoter  最高级:remotest  复数:remotes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.remote village,remote area,remote region,remote possibility,remote island





1.偏远的;偏僻的far away from places where other people live

a remote beach偏远的海滩

one of the remotest areas of the world世界上最荒僻的地区之一

The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.这家农舍附近没有别的房屋。


2.[obn]遥远的;久远的far away in time

in the remote past/future在遥远的过去╱将来

a remote ancestor(= who lived a long time ago)远祖


3.[obn]关系较远的;远亲的not closely related

a remote cousin远房表亲


4.远程的;远程连接的that you can connect to from far away, using an electronic link

a remote terminal/database远程终端╱数据库


5.~ (from sth)相差很大的;极不相同的very different from sth

His theories are somewhat remote from reality.他的理论有点儿脱离现实。

不友好not friendly

6.不很友好的;冷漠的not very friendly or interested in other people

微小very small

7.细微的;微小的not very great

There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive.他们仍然有一线希望能把她活着找到。

I don't have the remotest idea what you're talking about.你在说什么我一点儿都不懂。


adj.1.遥远的,远距离的;偏僻的,边远的 (from)2.疏远的;远缘的,(血缘)关系淡薄的(亲戚等),远房的;间接的3.细微的,稀少的,漠然的,模糊的(观念等);看上去决不会发生的,可能性极少的4.遥控的5.很久以前[以后]的6.大不相同的,悬殊的,别种的 (from)7.稀毛的1.遥远的,远距离的;偏僻的,边远的 (from)2.疏远的;远缘的,(血缘)关系淡薄的(亲戚等),远房的;间接的3.细微的,稀少的,漠然的,模糊的(观念等);看上去决不会发生的,可能性极少的4.遥控的5.很久以前[以后]的6.大不相同的,悬殊的,别种的 (from)7.稀毛的

adj.1.far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future2.not likely to happen3.not showing any friendly interest in other people4.capable of being operated from a distance or by using a remote control5.not connected or relevant to something1.far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future2.not likely to happen3.not showing any friendly interest in other people4.capable of being operated from a distance or by using a remote control5.not connected or relevant to something

n.1.a remote control

1.遥远们拍照.这条公路是纽西兰造价最高的公司,同时也是最遥远 (remotest) 的一条公路(这是从车窗看出去的景色)


1.And the original text in the remotest sense, the children are not always happy, and their happiness as the children have fun.原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐象贪玩的小孩。

2.I told him that he had no business or the remotest qualifications to pass judgement on my behaviour, and he exploded into a belly laugh.我说他毫无理由,更没有资格来评判我的行为,而他轰然大笑起来。

3.This programme investigates the rate and extent of the melt down in some of the remotest regions on Earth from Alaska to Antarctica.本节目前往地球最偏远的地方,从阿拉斯加到南极洲,探索冰河融化的速度和范围。

4.'Take out a dollar bill in the remotest place in world and people will recognize it, ' he said.他说,即使是在世界最偏远的地区拿出一张美元纸币,人们也能认得它。

5.Lula was one of eight children in a poor family from one of the remotest regions of Brazil.卢拉出身在巴西偏远地区的一个贫穷家庭,家中有8个小孩。

6.Remotepossibility; had not the remotest interest.微弱的可能性;丝毫不感兴趣。

7.At the nights that no one's awake, I look up to the night sky, to the stars of remotest antiquity.没有人醒着的夜里,我总是仰望天空,仰望那久久地、久久地星辰……。

8.With their ceremonial sashes and grand town halls in even the remotest village, mayors occupy a special place in French life.身系宴会时才系的腰带,坐在宏伟的市政厅,即使身处最遥远的村庄,市长们仍旧占据了法国生活中最特殊的位置。

9.Not a word about his presence in Australia had reached the press , so no one on Drogheda had the remotest suspicion he was coming .报纸上没有披露过一条关于他已经到了澳大利亚的消息,所以德洛耶达没有一个人猜到他来。

10.As he rose, a flash of lightning, that seemed to rive the remotest heights of heaven, illumined the darkness.当他站起身来的时候,一道闪电划破了天空,驱走了黑暗,直射到了上帝灿烂的宝座脚下。