




1.引起空气污染 save energy 蓄积体力 cause air pollution 引起空气污染 be in danger 处于危险中 ...

2.导致空气污染 save energy 节约能源 cause air pollution 导致空气污染 a sharp turn 急转弯 ...

3.使空气污染 save energy 节省能量 cause air pollution 使空气污染 meters way 几米之外 ...

4.引起大气污染 save energy 节省能量 省电 cause air pollution 引起大气污染 be popular with 在……中很流行 ...

5.造成空气污染 ... 166.节约能源 save energy 167.造成空气污染 cause air pollution 168.几米远 meters away ...


1.Finally, the refining and burning of petroleum and its products can cause air pollution.最终,加工和燃烧石油和他的衍生品也可以制造空气污染。

2.Exhaust from boiler and vehicles, unless properly treated, may cause air pollution in cities.如果不适当处理,锅炉及机动车排出的废气废气就废气会造成城市空气污染。

3.It must therefore count on rain and wind dispersing the fine particles that cause air pollution.因此,现在只能寄希望于风和雨把能够造成污染的纯微小颗粒疏散。

4.Exhaust gases from boilers, vehicles, etc. , cause air pollution in cities.锅炉和车辆等排出的废气,污染城市空气。

5.Vehicles also cause air pollution, which produces city smogs, acid rain, and global warming.交通工具也能造成空气污染,这种污染也产生了城市烟雾,酸雨和全球变暖。

6.What's more, cars give off waste gases and thus cause air pollution.更严重的是,汽车排放的废气会造成环境污染。

7.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution?首先,轿车如何导致空气污染?

8.Humans cause air pollution, and they can also prevent it.人类既然引起了空气污染,他们也就能杜绝它

9.If we don't deal with them properly, the automobile fumes will cause air pollution in cities如果不适当处理,机动车排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。

10.The good thing about the Airport Express is that the use of electricity dose not cause air pollution机场快线的优点是它使用电能,不造成空气污染