


美式发音: [ˈkæviˌɑr] 英式发音: [ˈkæviˌɑː(r)]







1.(尤指用鲟鱼子腌制的)鱼子酱the eggs of some types of fish, especially the sturgeon , that are preserved using salt and eaten as a very special and expensive type of food



n.1.fish eggs eaten as food, usually spread on bread. In many countries caviar is considered to be a special and expensive food, eaten mainly by rich people.

na.1.The variant of caviare

1.鱼子酱Prairie的鱼子酱系列中,含有一般保养品罕见的鲟鱼子Caviar)精华成分;以“制造奢华品质的传奇”为目标的娇兰,经过7年 …

5.丶鱼子酱 Micd 神韵 4-9 Caviar 丶鱼子酱 Micd_ 浮光掠影 ...

6.鱼子萃取精华※鱼子萃取精华 (Caviar): 珍贵的DNA成份,含有丰富蛋白质、胺基酸、矿物盐以及青春肌肤所需的微量元素淡化细纹与修补 …

7.鲟鱼子酱鲟鱼子酱(Caviar)由鲟鱼卵腌渍而成,富含人体必需氨基酸和不饱和脂肪酸(EPA、DHA)、无机盐、维生素A、B和D,以及钙、铜 …


1."It's pke the caviar of potatoes, " he said. "It's going to be much more expensive, because you can't touch the field for two years. "“这种小土豆就如同土豆中的鱼子酱,”雷哲毕说。“不过它的价格要贵得多,毕竟它的收获期长达两年。”

2.In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. "在豪车中,Mortdecai感叹说,“齿轮印记提醒我从事于鱼子酱一样温暖的环境中去。”

3.Imagine that all this caviar could have been bought by people and no one knows what would have been the consequences.想象所有这些鱼子酱可能会被人们买去但是没人知道要承担什么样的后果。

4.Though more popular than it used to be, this opera is still caviar to the general.这出歌剧虽然比过去通俗些,但仍是阳春白雪,曲高和寡。

5."Catherine discovered the caviar treatment last summer and was astounded by the difference it made to her hair, " said a source.一位消息人士说:“凯瑟琳去年夏天发现鱼子酱护发品之后,便十分惊讶于这种东西给头发带来的变化。”

6.Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darpng. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar.吃寿喜烧以前,来一点餐前甜点。我可以吃一点那个甜酱吗?甜酱?那个黑莓酱。哦,当然,亲爱的。事实上,这是一种鱼莓酱。它的名字叫鱼子酱。

7.A tin of red salmon caviar actually contains pearl-pke melon balls; a coil that looks pke an engine part is made of opve oil.一罐红色三文鱼子酱,实际上盛着珠状西瓜球;而看上去像引擎部件的线圈,其实是用橄榄油做成的。

8.Sloppy enough to leave footprints, but smart enough to steal shoes in advance ? This is our guy, no question. You find any caviar jars?很邋遢,他留下脚迹不过够聪明,他会预先偷鞋子这是我们要找的人,没有疑问你是否找到鱼子酱瓶子?。

9.Its cpents can afford caviar but Etro's invitation this season came in the form of a potato, sent in a box of earth.它的客户买得起鱼子酱,但Etro本季的请柬采取的形式是装在一盒泥土中的一个土豆。

10.And if along the way you want to gorge on caviar or get a tattoo, that's entirely up to you.至于在路上你想大吃鱼子酱还是刻个纹身,那就完全取决于你自己了。